Recent content by cas111

  1. C

    Transistors for 3.6 kW inverter circuit

    As of right now I am looking at MOSFET's and IGBT's for the switch mechanisms. The biggest hurdle that I seem to be facing is the voltage and current requirements, in regards to cost and reliability. Temperature also is a concern, however the addition of water-cooling would not be difficult...
  2. C

    Transistors for 3.6 kW inverter circuit

    Thank you guys very much for the replies and reference material. The Relays are switching the power just fine however they are loud and if left on for too long will eventually fall out of sync. which is why I am looking into the transistors. As to which ones I will be using I think I have found...
  3. C

    Transistors for 3.6 kW inverter circuit

    Hello all I have a fairly straight forward question about transistors. I am an engineer focusing in power generation systems, and currently working on designing a test inverter for a new type of DC generator. I have extensive knowledge of DC circuits and power systems, however this is my first...
  4. C

    Electric and magnetic fields with electron

    Homework Statement at time t1, an electron is sent along the positive direction of an x axis, through both an electric field E and a magnetic field B, with E directed parallel to the y axis. Figure 28-34 gives the y component Fnet, y of the net force of the electron due to the two fields, as a...