Recent content by CarlosLara

  1. C

    Can the laws of physics be violated?

    Hello. I read recently that the law of conservation of energy can be violated for very short time intervals, according to the uncertainty principle. Apparently, this fact gives rise to virtual particle production from the vacuum. Once we accept that the uncertainty principle allows the laws of...
  2. C

    Information field giving rise to quantum mechanics.

    "Information field" giving rise to quantum mechanics. Hello. I stumbled upon a video on youtube where quantum entanglement is discussed (). A woman quotes Einstein: "There is no place in this new kind of physics for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality." What did Einstein...
  3. C

    Matter at the core of a neutron star.

    Hello. I am wondering what are the properties of matter at the core of a neutron star. I read that it could be quark matter of strange matter, but overall uncertain. How can strange matter form if strange quarks decay very quickly into up quarks (the state of matter would last very shortly), and...
  4. C

    What is Mass? Exploring Its Origins

    Good afternoon. I am wondering what exactly is mass. Some say, quite inaccurately, that it is a measure of how much "stuff" an object has (what do they mean by "stuff"?). Others say that it's a quantity that means resistance to acceleration. What is mass and where does the mass of particles come...
  5. C

    Far away galaxies moving faster than light?

    Oh ok, then it is not accurate to say that the galaxies are moving away from us faster than light, but rather it's spacetime in between us and those galaxies that is moving (expanding) faster than light. But, if we measure the time dilation of such a galaxy from the reference frame of Earth, how...
  6. C

    Far away galaxies moving faster than light?

    Good evening. I just watched a documentary called The Universe-Light Speed. In it, astrophysicist Alexei Filippenko said that galaxies which are very far are moving away from us faster than the speed of light. Also, cosmologist Alan Guth said that during inflation the universe expanded faster...
  7. C

    Is it possible to combine string theory and LQG?

    Good evening. I am wondering if string theory and loop quantum gravity could be combined into a single theory. I have been trying to decide which of the two I should choose as my "religion," but I feel that both are correct. Could string theory and loop quantum gravity be different...
  8. C

    Was energy already quantized 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang?

    Which particles existed at the Planck time?
  9. C

    Pauli Exclusion Principle in Black Holes.

    Good evening. I have been reading that the repulsion generated by the Pauli exclusion principle barely prevents neutrons in neutron stars from occupying the same quantum states (after all, they are fermions). However, the principle seems to be violated in a black hole, given that fermions are...
  10. C

    Was energy already quantized 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang?

    Good evening. I am wondering if energy has always been quantized. I read that the shortest time after the Big Bang (the time it took for gravity to separate first) was 10^-43 seconds. At these moments of earliest symmetry breaking, was energy already discrete, or did quantum mechanics emerge...
  11. C

    Most accurate way to visualise an atom.

    Good morning. I am wondering what is the most accurate way to visualise an atom. In class the teacher draws spheres orbiting spheres, but, according to quantum mechanics, that is far from the truth. How do physicists visualise atoms or particles? Thank you.
  12. C

    Tendency to drop down to a lower energy state.

    Good evening. I have been wondering what causes quantum systems (or systems in general) to drop down to the lowest energy state. A hydrogen atom absorbs a photon, its electron "jumps" to a higher energy level, and that excited state lasts for only an instant before the atom emits the photon to...
  13. C

    Quantum entanglement and Bose-Einstein condensation.

    Good afternoon. I am wondering if quantum entanglement could be created between two thermodynamically isolated Bose-Einstein condensates of the same atom produced at the same time in close proximity. Due to the similarity of the systems' mathematics regarding their quantum states (wave...
  14. C

    Virtual particle production beyond the event horizon.

    When a virtual particle-antiparticle pair is created beyond the event horizon, space will drag the pairs as soon as they are created, thus making them real before they annihilate (it takes time for the two particles to exchange virtual photons in order to mediate the crucial electromagnetic...
  15. C

    Virtual particle production beyond the event horizon.

    Good morning. I am wondering what is the nature of virtual particle production beyond the event horizon of a black hole. When a particle-antiparticle pair is created from the vacuum, it takes time for them to attract electromagnetically and annihilate; but since the event horizon separates...