Recent content by calvinjhfeng

  1. C

    MATLAB Java/C++ vs Matlab in Image Processing?

    It's indeed very cool. Is it an IDE software and provide library for java? EDITED: Nevermind I will look through the tutorial myself. Thank you so much.
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    MATLAB Java/C++ vs Matlab in Image Processing?

    I just want to say thank you for all the thoughtful responses and help.
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    MATLAB Java/C++ vs Matlab in Image Processing?

    I just recently picked up MATLAB and still learning its syntax and built-in functions. I am working on a project that deals with image analysis, such as extract every pixels from an image and analyze them in forms of matrices. I am more experienced in Java than C++ or Matlab. I also feel...
  4. C

    Basic questions about General Relativity

    I know little to nothing about G.R. but it is interesting to look up knowledge,especially physics, so please correct me if I am wrong.. It is easy to picture how one giant mass distorts spacetime on 2D scale, but what if there is multiple bodies of masses present and would this turn into a...
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    Sophomore in Undergraduate Research

    I just finished my first 2 years of college and completed all the lower division classes. I spent 2 quarters part-time researching and a summer full time researching for my professor (who is a theorist) in solid state physics. The work I done was mostly calculation through programming and I...
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    Michio Kaku - What has he done?

    That is true. Actually now I might have the same question for Carl Sagan. What has Carl Sagan contributed to astrophysics other than publicizing it? He's like one of the most inspiring scientists I can see in my time (through youtube videos.) I wonder if it's a trade off. I realize...
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    Michio Kaku - What has he done?

    That sounds missing A LOT of things. Like detectors, vacuum tube, source of particle, computers, tools to create precision within instruments and etc are missing. Anyways I always took it as a marketing gimmick, like a way to encourage youth by telling them possibilities are within their hands.
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    Michio Kaku - What has he done?

    Yes and that is why I said his research went all over the place. It doesn't specifically say what he has suggested or what he has purposed. Like it doesn't say what has he added to the table of string theory that makes string theory more acceptable to the scientific community. I am no expert...
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    Michio Kaku - What has he done?

    Dr. Kaku is an eloquent speaker for Physics and he publicized sciences and raise global awareness of controversial issues on science (like nuclear weapons, global warming, etc.) I am not questioning the validity of his popularity. I am just curious, what has he done on the theoretical side...
  10. C

    Electron-Phonon interaction, is it like gravity?

    Yeah basically I am trying to explain cooper pair to people, like I want to tell them how the mechanism is involved. However, even myself don't really understand how does cooper pair stick together over long distance. I would like to know more about e-p interaction too, if it has other...
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    Electron-Phonon interaction, is it like gravity?

    For my understanding of electron-phonon interaction is that when electron moves across a lattice, it distorts charges and it leads to a higher density of positive charge at an instance of a second. As the electron leaves the region of high positive charge, another electron will jump into...
  12. C

    How to produce beam of neutrons?

    I am just curious, for nuclear power plant or nuclear weapon/detonation, how to create a beam of neutron that's energetic enough to go inside the U-235 atom and trigger the chain reactions? What was the most conventional or the oldest way to create this beam of neutrons in lab back in the...
  13. C

    Why don't electronics care if it's DC or AC current?

    Ahh I see, thank you. So are all computer power units have DC output? Can I modify the connection so I can use it as a power source to let's say charge a capacitor?
  14. C

    Why don't electronics care if it's DC or AC current?

    I understand AC is economic for transportation and easy to produce from converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. However, why don't electronics turn on and off because of this alternating nature of the current? For light bulb, maybe it does turn on and off and our eyes don't have...
  15. C

    Does the Nucleus Have a Wave Function?

    I was wondering why is the nucleus willing to confine itself in one place while the electrons are free to appear anywhere around the nucleus within the orbital. Electrons have this wave function, is there one for the nucleus?