Recent content by CaityAnn

  1. C

    Can GPH Be Converted to PSI for Leak Testing?

    How do I convert gph to psi?... Here is the deal, we are testing a 24" pipe for leaks doing a pressure test. the pressure at the pipe in question is 185 psi, and it lost 4 psi. I have a chart showing the allowable loss in GPH, but I don't know how to convert to PSI. Since this was a test...
  2. C

    Engineering Civil Engineering and Green Energy?

    Does anyone know what sorts of opportunities are out there for CE's in Green Energy (such as solar and wind)?
  3. C

    How do I put a Zenith Angle in my calculator?

    1.I am given a zenith angle of 73 (degrees) 17'30" 2. How do I compute (2360/5280)times cos(73 degrees, 17'30") with a ti 89 and a regular scientific calculator? 3. The solution is .446 degrees Thank you sooo very much.
  4. C

    Dynamics Problem, Relative velocity of rigid body in planar motion That is the image of the problem, which includes a solution. PROBLEM- Besides being really confused on their work, the solution they give and the solution in the back of my book are both...
  5. C

    Dynamics Question, Planar rigid body/ Relative velocities That is the image of the problem, which includes a solution. PROBLEM- Besides being really confused on their work, the solution they give and the solution in the back of my book are both...
  6. C

    Inclined plane projectile problem from dynamics course

    thank you both very much. Mindscrape: The difference is that the ball has tangental and normal acceleration components, however using energy they should both come out to be the same speed, because neither of them ever stops. but because their acceleration and velocity vectors are so...
  7. C

    Inclined plane projectile problem from dynamics course

    Learning physics: The velocity is the same at impact because the vx component does not change, but what of the Vy component? It makes sense that it doesn't actually increase more than its given velocity.. but not sure why its the EXACT same. So here's my plan- Ill set up the energy...
  8. C

    Inclined plane projectile problem from dynamics course

    mindscape, thanks, could I use energy?? I am really stumped.
  9. C

    Inclined plane projectile problem from dynamics course

    The ball is fired with an intial velocity of 10 m/s up a smooth inclined plane. The planes dimensions are 1.5 m high and 2 m long on the bottom so the hypotenuse of the plane is sqrt (1.5^2+2^2). It has enough velocity to make a parabolic shape as it is coming off the plane. .. Confusing I know.
  10. C

    Inclined plane projectile problem from dynamics course

    Homework Statement the 2 kg ball is fired from point a with an Vo of 10 m/s up the smooth inclined plane. The angle is 37 degrees, it gives me the planes dimentions the ball rolls on, it is 1.5 m high and 2 m wide. It asks the distance in the x it lands. Also the velocity with which it...
  11. C

    MAX POWER question from Dynamics

    yes, i redid everything as maximum speed and got 118.8. i found the power dissapated= 325*30m/s divded by 550 to convert and got 17.7 HP. Then I found the max energy using the max velocity as 1/2mv^2, converted it to power- 101.6 HP, added both since the power dissipated will need to be...
  12. C

    MAX POWER question from Dynamics

    me too. I am wondering if the Pmax eq is different, I remember from physics it being slightly different but I can't find a difference.. I have the answer already, it should be 119 HP.
  13. C

    MAX POWER question from Dynamics

    Yes, well, its not working.
  14. C

    MAX POWER question from Dynamics

    thanks for the reply. But your going to have to spell it out for me as I have tried everything known to man. what does the total energy have to do with it? I know the mass, times the acceleration found through kinematics, and the fictional force is 375, add it all together to get the total...