Recent content by Caesar_Rahil

  1. C

    Heat in a Vacuum: Does it Need a Medium?

    how would we know if the vacuum heats up or not? doesn't vacuum mean there is nothing there. If there is nothing there, what would heat up?
  2. C

    Doubt reagarding magnetic fields

    Is the statement below always true: Work done by a magnetic field is zero. If it is. How do magnets attract iron?
  3. C

    What is a magnetic field made of

    I was wondering that too. Some people with particle phyics knowledge told me that it is made up of photons, confusing me further, as i have read somewhere that photons move with a constant velocity
  4. C

    Understanding how rotational and translational motion combine in kinetic energy

    I can't figure it out, perhaps if you could give me some pointers..
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    Understanding how rotational and translational motion combine in kinetic energy

    Wait I think I got it mathematically! but I am not good at all this Latex stuff.. I have to find another way...
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    Understanding how rotational and translational motion combine in kinetic energy

    Why is that so? is the question I am asking
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    Understanding how rotational and translational motion combine in kinetic energy

    Even the first term doesn't make complete sense at first glance: like consider a rod rotating with its end fixed. Now, consider a particle at a distance r, its velocity is (rw) so its K = 0.5 * m* (rw)^2 k=1/2 mr^{2}w^{2} k = 1/2 I w^{2} Now, I=mr^{2}/3 Icm = mr^{2}/12 vcm = r/2 * w put...
  8. C

    Gravity effects on a solid rigid ring around earth

    Looks like our concepts of weight are not still built enough... Lets see.. how do you define weight.. If I am in a lift, I stand on a scale, it shows my basic weight (mg) If lift is moving up, don't we say weight increased.. and if lift is moving down, we say our weight decreased. which means...
  9. C

    Can a person slow down their free fall by pushing a heavy box?

    ya..i think you should drop it as late as possible assuming you have enough strength in the end. I take it that you have nothing but the box, so once you come to stop momentarily after throwing, you should really make sure you don't fall long enough
  10. C

    Gravity effects on a solid rigid ring around earth

    I really don't get the point that if you move the ring by half meter, the center of gravity will move by half meter. Won't it be a little complicated to calculate center of gravity as now gravity is not uniform over the circumference of the ring? Hey, and by the way.. If i really get this...
  11. C

    Find F: R->R satisfying F(x+y)=F(x)+F(y) and F(xy)=F(x)F(y)

    It has been proven that F(0)=0 and F(1)=1 or 0 put x=-y; F(x)+F(-x)=0 so F(x) is odd BELOW PROOF WORKS ONLY IF X IS RATIONAL: now, if x is Natural number F(x) =F(1+1+1+... x times)=F(1)+F(1)+...x times =x F(1) =x or 0 since F(x) is odd; so is true for all negatives natural numbers let x=p/q...
  12. C

    Can the existence of a limit at x = 0 for sqrt(x) be debated?

    I'm confining myself to real valued functions since left hand limit does not exit, that means sqrt(x) does not have a limit there so it does not exist is this interpretation correct?
  13. C

    Calculate Determinant of Matrix in C++ - Get Help Now!

    Firstly how do i declare a determinant. Since its variable, i have to allocate memory at runtime. Plus, how do i arrange for recursion as i have to specify dimension of determinant at each step??
  14. C

    Engineering Pursuing a Masters in Engineering with a BA in physics?

    I will be going for my first year of bachelor of engineering next year. I am kinda stuck between Mechanical Engineering , Engineering Physics and Electronics and Telecomm Engineering. Can anyone recommend something for me.. I love computer programming, I do it for every time I find free...
  15. C

    When is it OK to pass the limit to the exponent

    Wherever it is continuous which is everywhere