Recent content by Bystander

  1. Bystander

    Today I Learned

    TIL: took my introductory trip down the "OTT rabbit hole;" no wonder I've been totally baffled recovering from the stroke...something really DID happen to the world nine years ago...actually earlier, but it hadn't taken effect any real...
  2. Bystander

    Screenplay format? Any use except as a submission as ... a screenplay?

    Might be the drugs, might be something...never know until you try.
  3. Bystander

    Random Thoughts 7

    ..., and you aren't?
  4. Bystander

    Random Thoughts 7

    "..., get your kicks...."
  5. Bystander

    How to become brilliant?

    Well-written? Or, poorly-written? Just because something's printed/published doesn't mean it's well-edited.
  6. Bystander

    Extinction event in my story, is it believable?,the%20second%20body's%20self%2Dgravitation.
  7. Bystander

    Rank Copper, Brass and Bronze by Thermal Conductivity

    There are numerous, not infinite but close, Cu-Sn/Zn alloys; Cartridge brasses, music/acoustic brasses, naval brasses/bronzes, phophor-bronzes.... Hence the need request/s for specificity.
  8. Bystander

    Rank Copper, Brass and Bronze by Thermal Conductivity

    Specific alloy compositions are what?
  9. Bystander

    Audio/Video Cancel noise from neighbor with loud bass

    ..., however, refraction of low frequencies becomes problematic, see single "woofer" stereos, and may require major acoustic engineering;,rumble%20visualised%20with%20acoustic%20camera.
  10. Bystander

    Q: Fluid drainage along the outside of an inclined cylinder Knew it was out there; remembered Goldblum's character from Jurassic Park flirting with Sam Neil's girlfriend.
  11. Bystander

    B How to convert ft-lbs/sec to Newtons?
  12. Bystander

    Blowing Into Your Own Sail
  13. Bystander

    The Cass Report (UK)