Recent content by buddingscientist

  1. B

    Becoming 'energy independant' is folly for the rich.

    ^ Good post, but.. Surely if you go and apply interest on 200k over a 20 year, 30, or 50 year (whatever he is trying to use) term, the amount of power your house uses (and thus the size of the system, thus the total up front cost) matters.. alot. Especially when a factor of 10 is involved...
  2. B

    Programs Can I Do 2 PhDs in Different Subjects?

    Someone researching with me in my department already has a PhD and is doing a 2nd PhD here in amorphous silicon (possibly changing topic soon however). I'll try get some details for you this week and put them on here, but this obviously wasn't seen as a problem or was a reason to not accept...
  3. B

    Becoming 'energy independant' is folly for the rich.

    Woooow someone doesn't like solar. My 2story house (with many computers and misc. electronic equipment) uses 7kWh-13kWh/day. Obviously if you do the maths of using solar to power a house using 10x more electricity than the average user, you are going to get a rather unfavourable economic...
  4. B

    Electromagnets Range: Comparing Neodymium & Electromagnets

    What do you mean the maximum distance they attract each other? The range is infinite. Do you mean when Fmag can overcome the friction of the magnet on the table?
  5. B

    Does Distance Affect the Electric Field Strength Above a Charged Plate?

    Yep, because the e-field lines will be 100% perpendicular to the charged (supposedly infinitely wide) plate. i.e. going straight up or straight down, so if you bound a gaussian cylinder above and through the plate, the field will go through only the circular discs at the end of the cylinder...
  6. B

    Just understanding capacitors and e-fields

    It's a problem were we are given the usual - 2 plates separated in air, distance D apart, each of length L, one excess +ve charge the other exces -ve charge The question then states: the magnitude between the e-field plates is: E = q/EoL, calculate the potential (blah blah..) My question...
  7. B

    Easier way to get exact sum/avr?

    Thanks very much ! I knew there would be a simpler way through integrating than my messy summations. Could I ask what you mean by "It's a pretty unexpected exact expression" ? (Just out of interest) Thanks again
  8. B

    Easier way to get exact sum/avr?

    Easier way to get exact sum/avr? [SOLVED, thanks awvvu] Greetings, First I will explain what I am trying to do. I am trying to find the 'average' distance from the bottom and right edges of this box: Basically (using 11 approximations)...
  9. B

    Heisenberg imcertainty principle (get it)

    when you look at your keyboard, the photons of light that 'interact' with it (and ten hit our eyes and give us what we percieve as colour) are much much smaller than the keyboard. but if we are trying to see an electron using a photon.. the wavelength ("size") of an photon is a lot larger...
  10. B

    Heisenberg imcertainty principle (get it)

    whats your idea of finding both the exact position and velocity of the electron? how do you find the location of your keyboard? shine light on it (lamp or diffuse sunlight through the window) what happens if you try do the same for something tiny like an electron ?
  11. B

    What Is the Distribution of 2(X̄ - 10) / S?

    1. If X1, X2, X3, X4 are a random samle from a normal distribution with mean 17, then what is the distribution of 2(X - 10) / S where X should be X bar. Our notes are just awful for this topic. Any tips how to proceed with this one, and what is S? 2. Let X1, X2, ... be a sequence of...
  12. B

    Want to increase the Output current from soalr panel

    But i have only one concern, is the solar panel going to effect my AA batteries, since the voltage goes up and down, depending on the sun? or that is alright for the AA batteries. Isn't the voltage constant and the current affected by the sun?
  13. B

    What is P(B) given conditional probabilities and the complement of A?

    Ahh thank you all very much, I must have been unaware of the following results: P(B)= P(B \cap A) + P(B \cap \overline A) P(B)= P(B|A)P(A)+ P(B|\overline A)P(\overline A) and P(\overline B)= P(\overline B \cap A) + P(\overline B \cap \overline A) P(\overline B)= P(\overline B|A)P(A)+...
  14. B

    What is P(B) given conditional probabilities and the complement of A?

    Well the first and last I'm having some troubles with, and 2-4 I think the logic I am using is correct but would like his verified since no answers were provided What is P(A \cup B) if P(A) = 0.2, P(A \cap B) = 0.1, P(B) = 0.5? Would that just be the prob. of being in A or B minus prob of...
  15. B

    Unknown in discrete variable problem

    ahhh! stupid me wasn't aware of that result, thanks heaps for that. thanks, c = 1/e for anyone whos interested. I was able to complete the other problems relating to this question. however I have one small problem, in my studies I've learned "a random variable X will be defined to...