Recent content by bubbles

  1. B

    Not the usual how to get research thread

    I second what cristo said - just ask. They will be honest with you about whether they have any paid positions and whether you have the qualifications they are looking for.
  2. B

    High GPA, no experience, nearing graduation - feeling unhirable

    Since you're getting interviews, then you must be doing something right. You screwed up on interviews so that's not good. Practice. Go to your school's career center and do mock interviews. Practice behavioral and technical questions. I also agree that graduating early is not missing out on...
  3. B

    How to handle groupwork, and papers

    You don't. That's why you gain leadership experience when you work in a group.
  4. B

    Should Freshmen Take Calc III? Advice for Math Majors

    Depends...If your a math major and Calc II is a rigorous, proof-based course, then go ahead and take it. If the Calc II course is a weeder "math for engineers" course, then it should be just like high school calculus except that the exam questions are harder. Calc III, IMO, is much easier than...
  5. B

    What classes are you taking for Fall 2009?

    Are you guys are on the semester system? Five classes seem a bit too much for me... Anyway here is my fall schedule, 1. Intro to X-ray diffraction and materials characterization 2. XRD Lab 3. Intro to Solid State Physics 4. Thermodynamics of Materials
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    Programs Degrees needed to be a warfare physicist

    A degree in Aerospace Engineering would be useful for work in the defense industry.
  7. B

    Testing General Tips for Acing Physics Exams: A Scientist's Perspective

    From someone who just failed an exam due to carelessness and haste, here are some useful advice: When studying for the exam: 1. Know all the equations and look at all the examples that the professors did in lecture and make sure to understand them. Know not only how to reproduce the answers...
  8. B

    Engineering Need help deciding on an engineering major (undergrad)

    I'm only a student in my second year, so I haven't really worked on any real life MSE projects, but based on my limited experience, you are correct that a lot of what you will study will be at the microscopic scale or smaller. But changing a material's structure at the microscopic level will...
  9. B

    Engineering Which one is better ? Engineering Majors Dilemma

    UCLA doesn't seem to offer an Environmental Engineering major, but the department is called "Civil and Environmental Engineering" and there is a specialization in environmental engineering (minor). UCI also has a department called "Civil and Environmental Engineering," but there is actually a...
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    Engineering Need help deciding on an engineering major (undergrad)

    My favorite project in high school was also a bridge building project. It gave me a vague idea of what engineers might do. Somehow, I also ended up in MSE. Since you're still a freshmen, there will be lots of overlap between different majors in the first two years. At my school, the...
  11. B

    Weird issue with professor (undergrad research)

    Thanks for the responses guys. I finally contacted him and he said he had an unexpected meeting. I guess I have to get used to his strange schedule and his style. I will probably ask the graduate students after I start working since they tend to respond via email faster.
  12. B

    Is Math Success Determined by Genetics or Effort?

    No. One cannot be good at math unless he is Asian. :-p (just kidding) Seriously, I think that people tend to like what they're good at, so if you like math, you're probably good at it. People who like something tend to spend more hours doing that thing so they get even better at it.
  13. B

    Weird issue with professor (undergrad research)

    Thanks for you reply. I met him in person before, but it seems that he has been very busy lately and hasn't responded to my emails... We were supposed to meet again, but he postponed or canceled the meetings twice. He's also rarely in his office. He seems like a very busy person. Would it be...
  14. B

    Weird issue with professor (undergrad research)

    So I talk to a professor about an undergraduate position in his lab (I'm in my second year) and he accepted me, got me a scholarship, and even offered me a fellowship for the summer if I am available during the summer. But it seems that he is always busy and did not arrange for me to meet with...
  15. B

    Programs Biochemistry major I need advise on picking a minor

    I would also vote for math. Computer science if you are interested in computational biology or bioinformatics.