Recent content by BTA

  1. BTA

    Are space fighters really impossible in realistic Sci Fi?

    "Because large amounts of energy are realistic..." spaceship shoots multiple xray pulses (from their miniature artificially created neutron star power source) covering most of the locations the enemy spaceship could be by the time those pulses arrive. Enemy spaceship detects incoming xray pulses...
  2. BTA

    Are space fighters really impossible in realistic Sci Fi?

    If you are willing to be unrealistic enough to have unlimited amounts of energy to shoot lasers at all possible places the other spaceship(s) could be... Then, why not have ESP, mind assault, destroy or interfere with the smallest but most essential parts of their technology (remotely frying the...
  3. BTA

    Are space fighters really impossible in realistic Sci Fi?

    I think there is a basic flaw in this line of thinking, the original question is wrong. Use of conventional planet based warfare and technology would not be used off planet. Our concepts of combat originate in "face to face", "within visual range" and "line of sight" situations. The way we think...
  4. BTA

    Could Aliens Be Drawn to Earth by Human Addiction?

    It all started when I got desperate to find something random but interesting on Google's home page. Structures designed for living and working on Mars and the Moon. Someone posted there about aliens and that got me thinking... Why would aliens come here?! Someone asked that very question, I read...
  5. BTA

    Why would aliens come here? (resurrected) Here is the old thread that got resurrected once. But, I was too late and had to start from scratch.
  6. BTA

    Why would aliens come here? (resurrected)

    I asked myself this question today, found that exact question asked here (February 10, 2005)... and I could not say anything, not even a squeak. Well, boil that dustmote! "Why would aliens come here?" I ask and the voices in my head speak. We are far from the galactic center of an average...