Recent content by bsmile

  1. B

    I A question on elasticity from Kittel's Solid State Physics book

    My two cents, mathematically, it's basically an energy expression expanded in terms of six degree of freedoms to the 2nd order of geometry changes (those e_i). Since the solid is stable, thus 1st term vanishes, only the quadratic term is left. The derivative of (free) energy w.r.t geometry...
  2. B

    A Recovering Wavefunction in Periodic Ab Initio Calculations

    Thanks, I understand here ##\psi## is a scalar, thus a geometric transformation does not change it, while dot product being a scalar is also not affected. What if ##\psi## is a spinor with its axis along discrete z direction while the target K has a direction arbitrary in space, or another...
  3. B

    A Recovering Wavefunction in Periodic Ab Initio Calculations

    Yes, I understand there is point group symmetry operation on how to related one K point to the other equivalent ones, but I don't know how to transform the eigen-wavefunction for (n,K) where n is band indices? I believe this could be done. A further question is, would the transformation depend...
  4. B

    A Recovering Wavefunction in Periodic Ab Initio Calculations

    sorry, I should be more careful towards my terms, it should be something like irreducible K wedge in the first Brillouin Zone.
  5. B

    A Recovering Wavefunction in Periodic Ab Initio Calculations

    In ab initio calculations for periodic systems, only an irreducible K grid is used for calculation, and consequently only those K points have their wavefunction calculated. My question is, how to recover wavefunction at other K points not included in the irreducible K grid? Similar questions to...
  6. B

    A How possible is LDA DOS not consistent with experiment?

    Usually one would expect through \sigma=ne^2 \tao/m and DOS~1/m to argue that \sigma ~ DOS around Fermi surface. This seems to be a quite fundamental argument and should be expected to hold most of the time. For a quality check, does anybody have experience on how often LDA gives consistent DOS...
  7. B

    A Tools to transform primitive cell orientation

    Anybody familiar with bilbao ( Anybody knows how to use one of the Structure Utilities, CELLTRAN?
  8. B

    A Tools to transform primitive cell orientation

    I tried VESTA, and dragged the primitive cell to different orientations, and then output the structure to files, but found no change in the atomic positions. Maybe I did something wrong, if anybody knows how to do so with VESTA and let me know where I did anything wrong, I would be really...
  9. B

    A Tools to transform primitive cell orientation

    Dude, thanks for your response anyway. Everybody learned linear algebra and I know it pretty well. For these well-developed topics and industry-like ab initio calculation, there should be ready tools existing to free individuals from detailed manipulation of matrices and close attention to avoid...
  10. B

    A Tools to transform primitive cell orientation

    In case the orientation of a primitive cell is not what I want, is there tools to do a user-supplied 3D rotation to bring the primitive cell to the preferential orientation and output the new coordinates? Thanks,
  11. B

    A Primitive cell parameter given chemical unit cell info

    Thank you very much! This really helps.
  12. B

    A Primitive cell parameter given chemical unit cell info

    Experimentalists usually provide chemical unit cell information including full symmetry (space group) information of the crystal together with coordinates of independent atoms. But this cannot be directly used by ab initio packages, which requires either primitive cell or unit cell information...
  13. B

    A Standardized vs published atom coordinates in SpringerMateri

    This might be a specialized question and hopefully people working in this area know it. I need to get atomic coordinates for a specific crystal in SpringerMaterial. It however gives two different coordinates, standardized and published coordinates. I looked through the website can cannot find a...
  14. B

    How to code the expression with least roundoff error

    One thing I might mention is that the lack of accuracy can be in NIntegrate as well as it might fail to reach prescribed precision goal I set. I have written to Mathematica to see whether there is way to detect the condition satisfied or not.
  15. B

    How to code the expression with least roundoff error

    Thanks, I had been clicking on the figure icon on top of the textbox, and it really didn't do what I wanted. Here is the figure showing the two otherwise equivalent expressions have error bigger than machine precision and has a strong dependence on the input parameters. I understand the...