Recent content by BryanS

  1. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    Dogs participate in weight pull events where they pull sleds weighted with absurdly big piles of weight... it's amazing what a dog trained and conditioned to pull can move. Along slightly similar lines, sled dogs pull as a job and people have used some breeds as draft animals, pulling carts for...
  2. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    That was basically what I was curious to do just for my own interest, or rather just take weight into account when looking at performance since it's as much a factor as height. I wondered, can I calculate power output... can I calculate work... if my dog gets faster but is a couple pounds...
  3. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    This dog is a 2 year old female cane corso, which is a relatively small mastiff type breed that originates from Italy. Breeds that look a bit similar would be large boxers, bullmastiffs, presa canario. This photo will give you a better idea of her structure. I have another who is now retired...
  4. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    They do actually apply a bit of a handicap based on height. Dogs accrue points towards titles that are added to their registered name; a way of recognizing their accomplishments similar to how you see people with esq, MD, etc as name suffixes. Points awarded for height where large dogs (18"+...
  5. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    some of the dogs have very sharp teeth and we tie a pork chop around the guys neck to make the game even more interesting. Actually, they use a complex series of pulleys that are nailed into the grass and run the string around the pulleys to create a continuous loop with the bags tied onto a...
  6. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    You're absolutely right in the context of being concerned about being fastest. In the big scheme of things though it's all about doing something fun with your dog and there are a lot of dogs that are relatively slow but go nuts at the opportunity to chase something moving... nobody is getting...
  7. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    I hadn't really considered that impact; I know there are significant structural differences in dog breeds that make some better suited for running fast but you're definitely describing some of the structural traits of those on the faster end of the spectrum. AKC publishes the top fastest runs...
  8. BryanS

    I How can I compare different dogs' performance given these values?

    I haven't given much thought to the physics I studied in college a long while ago but found myself pondering some things recently and wanted to explore some thoughts... figured it might be a fun area to discuss and you might help point my brain back in a good direction... I regularly...
  9. BryanS

    What sparked my renewed interest in physics after 20 years?

    New member here. I work professionally in enterprise IT and haven't taken any physics classes since college, probably 20 years ago but lately I've found myself interested again and figured I'd dig through the various forums here to see where I could spark some conversations