Recent content by Broke186

  1. B

    Medical Anyone ever taken any of these weird medications ?

    I've been on Citalopram (an SSRI) for about 6 months to help deal with anxiety and depression. I had an anxiety attack during a class, which was first thought to be a seizure because I ended passing out cold. After an EEG and other tests, I was told I had GAD. The depression came afterwards, and...
  2. B

    Schools Environmental Engineering undergrad to Nuclear Engineering grad school.

    Yeah, it's rooted in the Civil Engineering department.
  3. B

    Schools Environmental Engineering undergrad to Nuclear Engineering grad school.

    How feasible would this be? I'll be an Environmental Engineering sophomore this coming semester and was wondering how a path to Nuclear Engineering for graduate school would look like, if the path exists at all. I suppose that I could switch to Mechanical Engineering (having done most of the...