Recent content by Britney2

  1. B

    Has anyone been to Croatia, Hungary, or Romania?

    As I said I didnt expect Albania to be so beautiful and interesting place. I was skeptic about the security there and about the people. But I was greatly surprised. I would recommend also Ulcinj in Montenegro but the prices there are higher compared with the prices in Albania. Ulcinj has a fresh...
  2. B

    Has anyone been to Croatia, Hungary, or Romania?

    I would strongly recommend you visiting Dhermi,Saranda and Vlora in Albania. They are great places with great beaches, five star hotels which are cheap compared with other countries of the region. First of all, I have to admit that albanians are very generous and interesting people. Also I have...
  3. B

    Geometry with isosceles triangles

    2 isosceles triangles ABC and ABD have the same base AB but are in different planes. Prove that CD is perpendicular to AB. (It must be proved that CD is perpendicular to one of the planes and then it is perpendicular with every segment of this plane.) Thanks in advance!
  4. B

    A. 2 circles that have the same center have their radiuses

    A. 2 circles that have the same center have their radiuses respectively 5 nd 3 cm. From A which is a point of the big circle are constructet the tangents with the small circles and we mark the pint of tangent A and B. Let's mark D and E the points where these tangents touch the big circle. Find...
  5. B

    Calculating Specific Charge (q/m) for a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field

    A charged particle that moves with the speed v=8x10(7) goes in a magnetic field where B=0.7 T (B is the induction) and it makes an angle λ=45◦ with force lines. How is the specific charge(q/m) if the radius is R=4 cm? (qvb=mv2/R qvb is the formula of the Lorenc force and mv2/R is the...