Recent content by Brennen

  1. B

    Q w delta T,U and H calculation

    just out of curiosity, are you a UWA student doing CHEM2210 by any chance?
  2. B

    Genetic meterial of shermy's spermies

    so all female eggs have different chromosomal make-up, and all sperm have different chromosomal make-up?
  3. B

    Understanding the Evolutionary Purpose of Male Nipples

    i believe that gender is undecided in a developing foetus until after the basic body formation has occured, complete with, you guessed it, nipples. so a foetus will have nipples before it is certain to be male or female. I am pretty sure that's why...
  4. B

    Why are tears associated with sadness?

    is crying possibly a way for the body to expel excess chemicals that would otherwise go to heightening an emotion? to relieve pain, or control happiness etc
  5. B

    Can You Control Voluntary Muscle Movements?

    i can vibrate my own eardrums. i have no idea how it is possible, but i can flex some muscles somewhere around my head and i feel my middle ear vibrating and it sounds like I am in the middle of an avalanche. is that really weird?
  6. B

    What Is 1/5 in Fractional Terms?

    this made no sense to me. 1/5 is 0.2. 1/5 is 20%. 1/5 is 2/10. i don't really understand what it is we are looking for. The Bob...1 ÷ 1/5 = 5. 1/5 is just a value, self explanatory.
  7. B

    What Is the Strongest Human Emotion?

    i realize i should have the post, the strongest emotion felt by each individual. i know everybody has different experiences, and different reactions to certain feelings. i know there are different types of love as well, but as you said it is hard as there are so many different emotions and a...
  8. B

    What Is the Strongest Human Emotion?

    i voted fear. i think in my life (which is very eventful for its length) I've felt the full force of many emotions, and i think many emotions can control and consume lives, but fear is one of the only emotions everybody has. everybody is afraid of something... and it changes everybody. "The...
  9. B

    Advice on Watching Nicholas Berg Video - Rachel

    actual human recording though, such as texts, do you think that can ever be comlpetely subjective? i wasn't bringing into account the truth of records such as videos and pictures. they are what they are, just the truth, recorded.
  10. B

    Advice on Watching Nicholas Berg Video - Rachel

    everything is based on someone's opinion. history is told from a point of view. like when we are taught about previous wars, even from decades ago, we're always taught from the perspective of our side of the war. do u think it is possible to ever be truly subjective?
  11. B

    What Is the Strongest Human Emotion?

    lol. vote from your own experiences, please.
  12. B

    What Are the Ages of the Children in This Math Puzzle?

    lol. i don't have a clue how i figured it out then, but i definitely remember finding the ages before squaring them to find what the question asked for. that heart thing truly stuffed up my calc exam...just really bad timing. btw i don't generally shout 'binga' :P I am more the 'eureka' type :D...
  13. B

    What Is the Strongest Human Emotion?

    lust is just intense or unrestrained sexual craving. like desire, mostly sexual. love is a more tender, deep emotion, based more so on an emotional connection. there is a huge difference...
  14. B

    What Are the Ages of the Children in This Math Puzzle?

    wow...i did it a weird way then.
  15. B

    What Are the Ages of the Children in This Math Puzzle?

    lol... would have helped if i had known it going into the test.