Recent content by bras0463

  1. B

    Problem with quaternion rotation maths

    Thanks DH! You were absolutely right, making that change fixed it straight away.
  2. B

    Problem with quaternion rotation maths

    Hi thanks for the response. I think if you want to rotate a vector then the formula you have is correct i.e. vector_result_in_quat_form = quaternion X vector_in_quat_form X quaternion^-1 where 'X' is quaternion multiplication. I think what I'm trying to do is different. I'm trying to...
  3. B

    Problem with quaternion rotation maths

    Hi, I am trying to work out the maths to keep a camera connected to a balloon pointing in a fixed direction. The camera can roll, pitch and yaw relative to the balloon which itself can roll, pitch and yaw relative to an inertial frame. Sensors provide the camera roll, pitch and yaw relative to...