Recent content by brags

  1. B

    Where the hell did my thread go?

    Where the hell did my thread go? Here it is again: About the theory put forth by Planck (Planck's constant) that everything is determined and measurable...even human nature (if we had enough asimov touched on...
  2. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    OK, I read your reply JesseM like 10 times and I think I see your point. Interesting...and totally beyond me for the most part. BUT, you mentioned the clocks. I have heard of this before, and I believe they measured atomic clocks on a space shuttle, or something to that affect, and they actually...
  3. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    one last thing that I just don't understand. How can we determine what the speed of light is if it depends on our point of reference while calculating it? If we are traveling toward the light source, or away from it, then the speed relative to us would be different?
  4. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    thanks all...I know when I am in over my head. I only have minimal math...was just curious though. I will research this in my spare time and hopefully get a better grasp of the fundamentals.
  5. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    yes..for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...or I see you could look at it this way, but what I'm saying is relative perception is just a perception of a real and single event. If I am traveling 50 km/s in one driection, then that is the event, not matter how it is percieved...
  6. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    but the velocity is what it is..I am moving or not moving, you can't have it both ways. It may seem from my point of view that I am stationary and you are moving past me, but if I were to slam into you, the result would clearly show that I was the one in motion because you would be forced...
  7. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    I was mainly wondering though, does light not fall under the same laws as does an object with mass? ie a ball being tossed at 10 km/hr on a train moving 100 km/hour would be traveling at 110 km/hr to an outside observer. Is light the maximum velocity? Superluminal velocities are impossible...
  8. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    I thought the speed of light was a constant from any point of referrence? :biggrin: That's exactly where I was going...relative to someone watching the train pass by, that laser would be traveling at twice the speed of light (if it reaches the driver it must be traveling faster than c...
  9. B

    Bus that is travelling at the speed of light

    If I'm seated in the back of a bus that is traveling at the speed of light, and I fire a gun towards the driver...will the bullet ever reach him? Ignoring of course that nothing of mass can reach the speed of light..allegedly.