Recent content by bozo the clown

  1. B

    What was the Maximum Energy Density at the Onset of the Big Bang Expansion?

    How it got started, where did it come from .. etc ? These types of questions are solved with an infinite everlasting universe as they become irrelevant.
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    What was the Maximum Energy Density at the Onset of the Big Bang Expansion?

    Personally I think singularities will only ever exist in mathematical voodoo but will never apply in reality. Have they had singualarities on star trek yet ? You think they would be good breakfast cerial ?
  3. B

    Probability of Intelligent Life in Our Galaxy

    Can anyone work out the probabality of intelligent life at around our current level exisiting within our galaxy.
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    Reuters: Hawking offers an Encyclopedia of Cricket

    i do not know what cricket has to do with astronomy but cricket is fun to play and pretty boring to watch especially when it rains and you have to listen to the commentators rambling while watching the rain and people runnig around puting covers on
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    Odds of Earth Impact vs Winning Powerball

    oh dear its as bad as that huh ok let's say an asteroid with say a diameter of 2km hit 'say for sakes of arguments' a sparse area in Arizona what effect would it have ?
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    Weight of 160lbs on Polystyrene Planet Same Size as Earth

    hey my brain is small let's keep it simple !
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    Weight of 160lbs on Polystyrene Planet Same Size as Earth

    I wieigh 160 pounds on Earth. How much would I weigh on a planet same size as Earth but completely made out of polystirine ?
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    Exploring the Moon: Then and Now

    mm no posts for this in last few days is this the end, well all good things come to an end I guess.
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    Odds of Earth Impact vs Winning Powerball

    ok there is no question that we do face risk from a major impact whether it be from small area destruction to widespread global destruction. The question is do we have the facilities to gauge fair notice as to whether an object is going to collide with the Earth and can we ultimately prevent it...
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    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    The black hole is a storage point for a mind boggling amount of energy that upon critical mass then releases that energy in one gigantic explosion. Our only knowledge of such occurence is the big bang. Thats a common sense opinion on black holes.
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    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    im just kiddin around I pretty much agree with what Marcus was saying.
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    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    I heard Hawking and Penrose went on a balloon flight, after enjoying the scenery and shortly before they were due to land they started talking black holes strings etc ... , anyways they started ascending rapidly but it didn't take long for these imaginitive physicists to realize that when they...
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    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    If Hawking presents a mathematical model for the the vast amount of hot air he produces then he will have his first proven working theory. The guy is overated not in the same league as Einstien and Feynman I think he should concentrate his efforsts on writing sci-fi novels, a more useful...
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    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    Was wondering if any of hawking's work has actually been proven. Is it not true that you can do magic with maths ?
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    Exploring the Moon: Then and Now

    hmm interesting bout those rings entropy maybe its not gravity, one explanation could be likened to a hula hoop dancer the dancer being saturn and the rings being the hoop.