Recent content by bobby2k

  1. B

    Lebesgue measure, prooving that a specific open set exists

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I have managed to solve it for the finite case, where the masure is less than infinity. But how do I solve it if the ,measure if the measure of E is infinite?
  2. B

    How to think about complex integration

    Let's say you integrate a complex function along a curve. How do you visualize it? This is explaned very well in multivariate calculus in terms of work, or for instance the weight of the line of we integrate over the density etc.. But when we look at complex function I get this: The function...
  3. B

    Pointwise convergence of Riemann integrable functions

    Yeah, but what if we assume that it is finite domain? I mean technically the riemann integral is only defined on a bounded and closed interval?, but you can take indefinite integrals, but let's assume you don't do that in this case.
  4. B

    Pointwise convergence of Riemann integrable functions

    Hello Normally in order to change the order of limit and integration in rimann integration, you need uniform convergence. But let's say that you are not able to prove uniform convergence, but only pointwise convergence. And let's say you are able to prove that the functions are also...
  5. B

    Does slimy spit have a spring constant?

    Hello WARNING: Some people may find this post a little gross. I observed something today that I didn't know could happen in fluids, only in solids. I let some slimy spit out from my mouth. It became a longer and longer connected line, and then the bottom broke off. What was interesting was...
  6. B

    Did PF just send out an email?

    I see, thanks for the reply, then it is probably ok.
  7. B

    Did PF just send out an email?

    Hello, let me just say I have no problem with you sending out email, I just want to know if it is legit and not a phishing attempt. I just got curious since I haven't gotten these mails before. I got an email about "hot topics", is it legit?
  8. B

    How to understand problems in analysis better.

    Thank you very much for your insight.
  9. B

    How to understand problems in analysis better.

    Hello It was maybe too general yes, sorry. For instance, let's say that you want to prove that a vector space is complete if it's unit sphere is complete. Then you start with a cauchy, and must prove somehow that the cauchy converges to a point. And when you sit down and try, and use that the...
  10. B

    How to understand problems in analysis better.

    Hello One problem I often think I have is that I am able to solve a problem, but not really understanding the idea behind the problem, or what is happening. Is there a way to become better at this, or to train yourself up?, are there any books that would help me with this? For instance...
  11. B

    Can actuaries benefit from analysis?

    Thanks for your answers. I would still have to take the courses in life insurancy, general insurance, and courses in fincancial mathematicas. The choice will basically be to in addition take courses like either: -topology -functional analysis -stochastic analysis -mathematical finance...
  12. B

    Can actuaries benefit from analysis?

    Thanks for your reply. Just to make it clear, there aren't really any staitsics courses I have to choose, but there is a long list of courses that are recommended for the free subsjects(the list is way too big to take all). However, almost all the courses on this list are statitics courses. But...
  13. B

    Can actuaries benefit from analysis?

    Hello In my country you need a bachelor and master to become and actuary. And that is what I am studying now. There are ofcourse some subjects you have to take, but you can also choose subjects. Of these free subjects statistics subjects are listed as reccomended. I've taken...
  14. B

    Check that a set is closed, and that another is compact

    Thanks, vector-spaces are a little tricker than metric-spaces.