Recent content by BobaJ

  1. B

    Charge-Conjugation property

    I'm probably just complicating things, but I'm a little bit stuck with this problem. I started with just plugging in the definitions for ##\bar{\Psi}_a^c## and ##\Psi_b^c##. So I get $$\bar{\Psi}_a^c\gamma^{\mu}\Psi_b^c=-\Psi_a^TC^{-1}\gamma^{\mu}C\bar{\Psi}_b^T$$. After this I used...
  2. B

    Equations of motion for Lagrangian of scalar QED

    Well, I started with the first equation of motion for the scalar field, but I'm really not sure if I'm doing it the right way. \begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \varphi} &= \frac{\partial}{\partial \varphi} [(\partial_\mu \varphi^* -...
  3. B

    Why Do Electromagnetic Waves Propagate Independently of Their Source?

    Ahhh, so when they refer to different sources, they are just referring to either electric or magnetic ones? So just by getting, the equations ##\nabla^2 E=\mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial^2 E}{\partial t^2}## and ##\nabla^2 B=\mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial^2 B}{\partial t^2}## I'm showing that...
  4. B

    Why Do Electromagnetic Waves Propagate Independently of Their Source?

    Maybe you can recommend me a textbook where it is done? Yes, I have seen the wave equation (and how to derive it from Maxwell´s equations).
  5. B

    Why Do Electromagnetic Waves Propagate Independently of Their Source?

    Homework Statement Use Maxwell's equations to elaborate an coherent explication of why electromagnetic waves propagate independently of the source that produces them. Homework Equations Maxwell's equations in vacuum: ##\nabla * E=0## ##\nabla * B=0## ##\nabla \times E = -\frac{\partial...
  6. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    It is a problem presented by my instructor. I don't know from where he got it
  7. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    I thought that, but as the problem states that I have to show that n1 and n2 are the eigenstates of N1 and N2 and after that to determine their eigenvalues, I got really confused.
  8. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    Does it mean that ##n_1## is an eigenstate of ##N_1##?
  9. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    I suppose I could replace it with ##\sqrt{n_1!}|n_1,0\rangle## to get ##N_1\sqrt{n_1!}|n_1,0\rangle=n_1\sqrt{n_1!}|n_1,0\rangle##. So that would get me ##N_1|n_1,0\rangle=n_1|n_1,0\rangle##
  10. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    So, I could apply ##a_1^\dagger## multiple times and using the commutation relationship ##[a_1,(a_1^\dagger)^n]=n(a_1^\dagger)^{n-1}## I would get ##N_1(a_1^\dagger)^{n_1}|0,0\rangle=n_1\sqrt{n_1!}|n_1,0\rangle## would that be correct?
  11. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    You are right, I think it should read ##N_1 a_1^\dagger |0,0\rangle = |1,0\rangle##.
  12. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    Right, now as ##a_1^\dagger## is the creation operator ##a_1^\dagger |0,0\rangle = |1,0\rangle##. And with this ##N_1a_1^\dagger=|1,0\rangle##.
  13. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    Ok, so then I would just be left with ##N_1a_1^\dagger|0,0\rangle = a_1^\dagger |0,0\rangle##
  14. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    Well, I stated the problem the exact way they gave it to me. I thought that because of the order they wrote it ##a_1## would be the creation operator. But now that you point it out, revising the books ##a_1## always is the annihilation operator. then what would ##a_1|0,0\rangle## be? Can I...
  15. B

    Schwinger's model of angular momentum

    Yes, as I understand the exercise ##a_1## is the creation operator. But I still don't know how to go on after to solve the problem.