Recent content by bmihalik

  1. bmihalik

    Detecting Hazards: From Radioactive Materials to Biological Threats

    We made a device for radioactive material detection. And now we are working on to detect biological threats in air - we are still in research phase. The goal is to develop a handheld, or mobile system. I can share more info on private channel if you would like.
  2. bmihalik

    I Using Lenses with Laser Diode Microscope to Reduce Aberrations

    I would like to build a microscope witch can be used with different monochromatic light sources (laser diodes), and this system should has small astigmatic and coma aberration, but keep the chromatic aberration property. Can I use two spherical or ashperical lenses (facing with convex side to...
  3. bmihalik

    Detecting Hazards: From Radioactive Materials to Biological Threats

    Hello! I'm an electrical engineer from Hungary, who also does a lot of physics and biology in job. At the beginning of my career I worked with X-ray systems control and image processing, then with isotope diagnostic devices, then with non-invasive electrobiological measurements and spirometry...