Recent content by Blues_MTA

  1. B

    Simple Integral, Still Having Trouble

    oooook..Im sorry I've been so troublesome, thank you so much!
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    Simple Integral, Still Having Trouble

    Ok, never mind i see that they are equivalent but how do you know to rearrange them in that manner to take the integral? is there any sort of method or is it just through practice
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    Simple Integral, Still Having Trouble

    Yeah, I have, and for some reason this problem completely stumps me, If you use those formulas , you end up with 4(t+1/2)^2 = -2 I don't see how that is equivalent to 4-(2t-1)^2
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    Simple Integral, Still Having Trouble

    But how do you come to that? I understand its equal, i just don't know how they calculated it, am I missing something completely obvious or...?
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    Simple Integral, Still Having Trouble

    Homework Statement I am trying to take the integral of 1/((-4t2+4t+3)1/2) I know that i need to complete the square and it should come out to an inverse sin function but i don't understand how the completed square in the denominator is equal to (4-(2t-1)2)1/2 Homework Equations...
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    How Do You Calculate Uncertainty in Acceleration from Photogate Timer Data?

    thank you, my problem was that i had the two velocities and their Relative errors, i had to convert that to absolute error to complete the calculation in the numerator, then once that was complete convert that value to a relative error once again, then add the two, thank you very much!
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    How Do You Calculate Uncertainty in Acceleration from Photogate Timer Data?

    Homework Statement I am doing a simple experiment using photogate timers and an elevated track to calculate velocity and acceleration. This experiment measures the time it takes for an index card attached to the top of a cart to pass through a photogate when going down an elevated track. By...
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    Integral of Logarithms + Trig Functions I see it all now, I need to sleep, Thank you so much!
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    Integral of Logarithms + Trig Functions

    Ah! Thank you, I've been looking at it for so long i didnt even see that! the only thing left is that i don't understand how the integral of 1/(u^1/2) is 2(u^1/2)
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    Integral of Logarithms + Trig Functions

    So, du = Sec(x)^2+tan(x)Sec(x)/Sec(x)+Tan(x) dx, reduces to sec(x)dx?
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    Integral of Logarithms + Trig Functions

    Homework Statement Sec(x)/((ln(tan(x)+sec(x))^1/2) We were instructed to find the integral Homework Equations Here is a link to the wolfram solution, i don't understand the steps they...
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    DC Motor RPM Equation Confusion

    According to" The way to calculate the output of a DC motor in kRPMs is the formula RPM of motor: kRPM = (V - RmI) / Kb V= Voltage Rm = Terminal Resistance I = Current Kb = Voltage Constant (V/kRPMs) This insinuates that an increase in amperage...
  13. B

    Unit Conversion: How to Find Volts/kRPM for Motor Modeling with 245 RPM/Kv Value

    So, it would be 1/0.245(10^-3)? That comes to 408, which is a ridiculously high voltage constant, or at least from what I've seen anyway
  14. B

    Unit Conversion: How to Find Volts/kRPM for Motor Modeling with 245 RPM/Kv Value

    For a motor modeling project I am trying to find a value that is measured in Volts/kRPM (Voltage constant) , in the motor specs that I am given i have a value in RPM/Kv, If the value for RPM/Kv given is 245, how can i find Volts/KRPM, or is that even possible Thanks!
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    Is There a Way to Calculate Gear Ratio Based on Torque and Outside Forces?

    Im working on a model in SIMULINK of an electric drivetrain with an automatic transmission.. The overall goal is to develop an algorithm controlling controlling a CVT via factors such as current, angular velocity, etc. This may seem very basic to most of you, but i know that Output torque =...