Recent content by Blue_Jaunte

  1. B

    What shape would the arcade classic Asteroids' universe be?

    Sorry for the late reply, Quasar. I replied earlier, but I was reported for a well-deserved insult. Here is my solution:
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    What shape would the arcade classic Asteroids' universe be?

    I heard this puzzle on the MathFactor podcast (which I highly recommend). If you don't know what Asteroids is (somehow), here's a youtube video: If you fly off the right side, you reappear on the left side, and vice versa. If you fly past through the bottom, you reappear at the top, and...
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    News Gainesville Reverend Plans To Burn Qu'ran

    I'm continually amazed that this is getting the kind of coverage it is. I just can't imagine why this is somehow extraordinary or even remotely newsworthy. Certainly SOMEone makes a big show of burning a koran every week, somewhere in America. And I lived in Gainesville for 6 years, so...
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    Probability Problem: Queen of Spades?

    Homework Statement A friend lays out three playing cards on a table, from a pack of 52. He tells you that one is definitely a queen and the other two are definitely spades. What is the probability that the middle card is the queen of spades? Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
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    Physics Does having a BS in physics make it easier to become an X-ray/MRI technician?

    I meant the former, although the latter might be more useful at this point. From what I can tell, a bachelor's degree isn't worth any more than a high school diploma. I'd love for this to be wrong, but I don't think it is.
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    Physics Does having a BS in physics make it easier to become an X-ray/MRI technician?

    I was wondering if the schooling required to become one of these might be shorter if you already have a degree in a hard science. If not, are there any professional jobs for which a physics BS is at least a definite advantage? I'm only interested for financial reasons. Thank you, Michael
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    How do you pronounce these scientists' names?

    1) de Broglie 2) Leeuwenhoek 3) Huygens These are all the troublesome ones I can think of right now. There are probably others. Thanks
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    Indeterminism in Newtonian mechanics?

    This paper, written by a University of Pittsburgh professor, John Norton, describes a simple situation in which Newtonian mechanics allows for purportedly non-deterministic equations of motion: In the first part of the paper, he describes the...
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    Math puzzle involving the game Connect 4

    Wow, thanks guys. I should've known that someone would be on the case. DavidSnider, i noticed that the paper is a "Master's Thesis" from a university in Amsterdam. Is that comparable to a Master's thesis in the states or PhD? I'm just wondering because of the length.
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    Math puzzle involving the game Connect 4

    I was playing Connect 4 the other day, and I started to wonder how you could fill the board entirely without connecting 4. I haven't tackled the problem so I don't know if it's of general interest at all, or if it yields any interesting results...but I thought I'd share it with you all...
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    Can Division by Zero Be Defined in a More General Number Group?

    I assume everyone who saw this thread first rolled their eyes. Sorry for that. My question is an innocent one, as I am completely uneducated in number theory. My understanding is that numbers are grouped in a sort of Russian doll fashion, with each successive group encompassing all previous...
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    Why do pendulums swing more slowly at the equator?

    I was asked this recently and the only explanation I could come up with was that the Earth is oblate and the difference in R would account for the difference in the period. Is this wrong? Is this even a real phenomenon (the longer period at the equator than at other latitudes)?
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    Physics In need of a Medical Physicist's candid opinion

    Oh sorry, I use the name mistepp23 on Y!M (that's the email associated with this account).
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    Physics In need of a Medical Physicist's candid opinion

    I'd be interested in talking to a Medical Physicist about all things professional: what the job opportunities are like, what the work load is like, how fulfilling the job is overall, etc. I'm on Yahoo! Messenger quite a bit, so we can talk there instead of shooting message board comments back...
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    If we could see multiple octaves of light, would we perceive a cycle of colors?

    I'm pretty sure you got it right. Although I don't know how a hair cell, which responds to a single frequency (I think) would respond to exactly double that frequency (that is, whether or not there would be a bump in sensitivity due to sympathetic vibration). There's a really good book about...