Recent content by Blizz91

  1. B

    Air Inside Bus: Common Phenomenon Explained

    hey Boris, I think u didnt get what i asked though there might be inertia of the air particle present there but as russ said I think that effect will be too minuscule and also this is due to bus accelerating, but the phenomenon which I described can be experienced even when bus is moving with...
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    Air Inside Bus: Common Phenomenon Explained

    Ok then, now consider a bus with a large window where a single window is shared by 2 consecutive seats( in a row) then if what u r saying is true then don't u think the passengers sitting they would experience opposite phenomenon but I personally hav experienced the opposite
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    Air Inside Bus: Common Phenomenon Explained

    Hi davenn If its the door u r talking about then won't u think if a person standing there would experience air entering the bus.
  4. B

    Air Inside Bus: Common Phenomenon Explained

    My doubt is reguarding the common phenomenon observed in the moving bus...While moving in a accelerating bus we all observe the wind gushing inside the bus may it be from the window of the driver or the passenger or even from the doors. My question is if all this air is entering inside the bus...