Recent content by bkenwright

  1. B

    Quaternions angle error - correct?

    I'd cut the decimal places a few when I dumped the values out, the full values are: (which are normalized) Quaternion qrot0 = new Quaternion( new Vector3(-0.1564176f, 0.6895894f, 0.1564176f), 0.6895894f ); Quaternion qrot1 = new Quaternion( new Vector3(-0.1965395f, -0.6792439f, 0.6792439f)...
  2. B

    Quaternions angle error - correct?

    Hi D H, thanks for your help. I've been fiddling around with what you said, but I think I must be missing something. I did a code snippet so you could a few cases the returned angle difference doesn't seem to be correct. And example case: // Some normalized rotation...
  3. B

    Quaternions angle error - correct?

    Hi D H, thanks for your reply. What would you say is the best method to get the minimum axis angle between two objects then, if you have two quaternions representing there rotations, and you want to know the axis and angle to rotate on to match the other? Thanx, Ben.
  4. B

    Quaternions angle error - correct?

    Hi All, I think this is right, but not sure after doing some of the maths. If I have two rotated objects...lets say two sticks...and each has a rotation, in quaternions q0 and q1. Now the difference, can be calculated as qdiff = q0 * Conjugate( q1 ) Okay? Of course both my object...
  5. B

    Handling Penetration in Physics Demo with Cubes

    Well the case I'm trying to deal with is penetration on a general scale. For example, let's say you have a cube bouncing on a plane, and you have large time steps...and you use eulers integration...and just do each vertex point being below the plane to detect a collision. Now, because the...
  6. B

    Handling Penetration in Physics Demo with Cubes

    Hi all, I'm currently trying to write a simple physics demo with cubes, and am looking for the best way to handle penetration. One method I was looking at is to back-track the collision detection till we find the point of intersection within some limit.. i.e. collision at dt, so we step...