Recent content by BkBkBk

  1. B

    Why Are Neutrinos So Confusing?

    I am having real problems fitting nuetrinos into my mental models of the world,when i think of strong,electromagnetic and gravitational interactions i find it much easier to work with because there's always something tangible i can relate it to,fermions,light or falling for example,but when i...
  2. B

    Watch 8th Star Trek Movie - Champagne Bottle Impact

    why would the bubbles imply that air pressure was not a major factor?
  3. B

    Watch 8th Star Trek Movie - Champagne Bottle Impact

    as i mentioned,for the sake of the idea,we would remove the wire holder!
  4. B

    Wheres best for Philosophy of science in the UK

    maybe the way i write seems slightly aggressive,i think i might need to attend to that,sorry,i wasnt picking at you,just expressing myself,its seems quite badly!
  5. B

    Wheres best for Philosophy of science in the UK

    Even if feynman was opposed to it I don't see why that should stop anyone,Gellman and him were vehemently opposed on a lot of ideas and yet still both managed to make big strides in physics,i know sciences has a collective crush on feynman for a number of reasons(mainly because he managed to...
  6. B

    Wheres best for Philosophy of science in the UK

    well I've taken some philosophy courses already,have an A-level in it,and have read a fair amount on my own,but from what I've read philosophy of science has a different feel to it,more along the lines of formative logic and epistemology than say ethics. im not sure if its particularly...
  7. B

    Watch 8th Star Trek Movie - Champagne Bottle Impact

    Just watch the 8th star treck movie,and at the beggining a champagne bottle smashes into the side of a newly made neterprise. what I am wondering is,as its in a vacuum would the pressure inside the bottle pop the cork out,or is the cork in tightly enough that it wouldn't pop? (lets say the...
  8. B

    Wheres best for Philosophy of science in the UK

    I am part way through a BSc in natural sciences with open university,its going well and I am enjoying the course (in my second year) I had for a long time wanted to carry straight on with physics into an MSc or PHD,but over the last year I've become increasingly interested with the philosophy...
  9. B

    Understanding 3D Glasses: How Polarization Works and the Role of Mirrors

    could this be analagous to overtaking a clock,ie watching a helix change dirrection?
  10. B

    Understanding 3D Glasses: How Polarization Works and the Role of Mirrors

    but that's not what happens,when i close my left eye,i can still see it with the right eye,but the right eye can't see itself,the right lense is the one that goes black (the lense of the the open eye is the one that goes black)
  11. B

    Understanding 3D Glasses: How Polarization Works and the Role of Mirrors

    I just got back from the cinema an hour ago and brought my 3d glasses home,i know these glasses work by only allowing light that oscillates in certain dirrections through the lenses,and each lense lies perpendicular to the other,allowing only one set of light through each lense,making you to see...
  12. B

    Could an object survive passing through two intersecting black holes?

    i get that its not an object in a physics sense,and that its a mathematical limit(although i have read somewhere that there's a possibility that there could be a sphere of photons surrounding the event horizon as long as the black hole didnt get more massive,just because their incoming angle and...
  13. B

    Could an object survive passing through two intersecting black holes?

    Would it be possible for something to pass through 2 event horizons,falling into both black holes? also,if it can,what would happen if the objecct in question (lets say a proton) was at a point where the forces acting on it were equal in every direction? say being at the centre of these two...
  14. B

    How Do You Convert \( \frac{1}{x^n} \) to \( x^{-n} \) in Algebra?

    ok so I am working through a problem,got part way through and realized i couldn't remeber what to do with power rules,if someone could quickly remind me of the rules! the question is differentiate ƒ(x) = 1/x^3 Using if ƒ(x) = x^n then ƒ'(x) = nx^n-1 and the book answer given is ƒ(x) =...
  15. B

    Is It Possible to Crack a Whip Faster than the Speed of Sound?

    Could you crack a whip while moving faster than the speed of sound?