Recent content by big_tobacco

  1. B

    Hearing Aid Pick-Up-Coil Circuits

    Hello, As the title suggests my query relates to hearing aid pick up coil circuits! I'm currently designing a small analogue listening device (a Transistor amplifier with a microphone input...simple!) however, I'm going beyond that and want to incorporate a small pick-up coil into the...
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    Intergrator/Differential Op-Amp Frequency

    Hello, I'm baffled as to why different frequencies affects the output (amplitude) of a integrator and differentiator op-amp circuit. I'm using a variety of frequencies (100 Hz - 10Khz), with a fixed 1V square wave input? Why does the frequency cause a change in the amplitude? This...
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    Accurately Calculating Battery Life

    Fantastic, to be honest everyone has given me some very useful ideas - I shall definitely keep you posted!
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    Accurately Calculating Battery Life

    :confused: Hello Could you tell me is there a way of accurately measuring battery life? Basically I have a listening device, it requires 2 x AA batteries, say 2400mAh each (so...4800mAh in total). I am aware you can ‘estimate’ battery life by determining the device’s current consumption...
  5. B

    How can I design a 30-second lag time timer using a 555 timer?

    Brilliant, thank you very much for your help. I think this weekend I'll crack out the bread-board and give these a try!
  6. B

    How can I design a 30-second lag time timer using a 555 timer?

    Hello, Please could you help me with this problem; I need to design a timer whereby I briefly trigger it (using a push to make/push to break switch connected to a 6 v supply), there is a pause of 30 seconds and then it triggers with an output, say an LED - this stayes on for about 10...