Recent content by BiemNL

  1. BiemNL

    B What wires should I use for my wire chamber?

    The electric signal problem you are talking about can easily be countered. I will just put a high negative voltage on the cathode, so the field lines remain the same. The wires will stay neutral until a current will flow through it. That small voltage is everything I need, and it can be...
  2. BiemNL

    B What wires should I use for my wire chamber?

    Well, I don’t need 14 meters for one, I need it for 4. It would be like 3 meters for one box (15 wires of around 20 cm) I will stack them on top of each other. Let me show you one of the papers that inspired this...
  3. BiemNL

    B What wires should I use for my wire chamber?

    I don't know if you understand what i'm saying. If I use a metal that oxidizes easily, it will get oxidized when making the chamber. It won't oxidize anymore when it's already in the chamber, but it will when building it. I am just asking if that is a big issue, which I think it it, but I need...
  4. BiemNL

    B What wires should I use for my wire chamber?

    Well first of all, I don't have the literature for it, I have to do it with random papers. Second, I am building the chamber myself, so moving the thread from the roll to the chamber will still make the thread oxidised (my house is not a vacuum). And third, for that one ad on aliexpress there is...
  5. BiemNL

    B What wires should I use for my wire chamber?

    I want to make my own multi-wire chamber for school, and I wonder what kind of effect different wires will have on the efficiency. After reading many papers containing research for wire chambers, I saw that all of them did tests with wires made of gold plated tungsten wires with a diameter of...