Recent content by bhusebye

  1. B

    Why do I keep finding more new rocks in my garden year after year?

    Rocks float around like shuffleboard pieces on flat ground during frost but it is a mixture of all the ways a rock can surface. It's Rock and Roll. Your tractor creates furrows so you can plant, you find rocks, you pick rocks out and next year you find more rocks in the same place. As you...
  2. B

    Coatings on double edged razor blades

    Platinum bicycle for sale, with the world platinum in Stickers on the forks. Then spray painted a shiny chrome color.
  3. B

    Is Transparent Aluminum the Next Big Breakthrough in Glass Technology?

    This link makes me fondly remember the goofy Star Trek to save the Blue Whales and how Scotty invented something he invented in the future with the help of Spock. Transparent Aluminum
  4. B

    I Efficiency of computers vs. brains

    1 + 1 = 2 or does it? Machines can figure out binary math faster than we can. But we can solve complex problems faster than a computer. It all depends on the input and the desired output is something we have some experience with or is it something we even want to do. Like the IQ test someone...
  5. B

    Insulated copper wire turned into gray powder

    Not even worth arguing about anymore, my post was deleted and I give up trying to explain to you thermal properties of copper and introduction of breakages that can happen even with that pvc cover which somehow people seem to think is a magic non breakable prophylactic covering.
  6. B

    Insulated copper wire turned into gray powder

    Your not understanding. This can also happen if you walk on the cable, even if coated with PVC crap. Think of it this way, when I was a plumber rolling out copper on the ground 3/4 pipe and it sat out in the sun too long, what happens when you go to try to bend it, so it comes up straight in...
  7. B

    Insulated copper wire turned into gray powder

    If copper is left outside in the Sun the copper will harden. If moved after the copper hardens it begins to crack if moved, this is why they make Solid core and Twisted Strand (more stable from cracking) Cat 6 cabling, Solid core needs to be left alone once installed for the cracking reason...
  8. B

    Movie Classics that totally escape me

    I enjoyed Bladerunner, Clints Spagetti Westerns, The Man with No Name, The Shootist, Star Wars, Soylent Green, The Music Man, Wizard of Oz (scared the crap out of me when I was 2), and some of the worst movies trying to be bad on purpose Space Truckers and Cabin Boy. I even liked Water World...
  9. B

    Insulated copper wire turned into gray powder

    Just because you installed it a certain time ago does not mean it was not manufactured a long time ago. Oxidation can happen on copper exposed to high humidity easily. Unless you were there the day it was made you have no idea when it rolled off the production line, probably came over on a...
  10. B

    Why are natural products considered safe over conventional chemotherapy

    I really have misgivings about Herbal Medications for Cancer. The reason they are safe is they don't kill any cells and probably don't make you feel like your being poisoned. Many people decide to quit and die unfortunately because they cannot handle how chemo makes them feel. With current...
  11. B

    North Magnetic Pole wandering away

    Tesla's motor work would fix the pole flip. I know he would have the answer.
  12. B

    Source strangulation for an instant water heater?

    You could put a insulated loop in with a Grudfos pump. That might work.
  13. B

    Why are natural products considered safe over conventional chemotherapy

    The best natural cure for cancer is having your own T Cells that hunt cancer cultured and tuned for killing.
  14. B

    How far are we from these milestones/technologies?

    If you were going to seed a planet I would send the organism Prochlorococcus. Could be a tablespoon of critters. I am sure they freeze well.
  15. B

    Source strangulation for an instant water heater?

    Think of Pressure this way. You have the self car wash down the street, how big is the hose? More pressure smaller hose, BUT it will not make enough of a difference to go from 3/4 to half. Bigger pipe means more volume for the house and means water will reach farther and supply more fixtures...