Recent content by bertopolis

  1. B

    Infrared spectroscopy to find water absorption lines

    That's brilliant and extremely helpful, thanks. SO does that mean the values I have from the spectrometer is I(w,z)-I(w,0) ? Is there anyway I could reach this equation from the values I have already obtained?
  2. B

    Infrared spectroscopy to find water absorption lines

    I did this due to equipment limitations, I haven't heard of this law, and I don't exactly understand how it works. Could you please explain this?
  3. B

    Infrared spectroscopy to find water absorption lines

    Hi I am currently trying to find the water absorption lines by using a Michelson interferometer, as a detector I am using an ocean spectrometer. The data obtained is thus the spectrum's "received" by the spectrometer. Am I right to assume that in order to find the absorption peak/peaks I should...
  4. B

    What gases can be absorbed between 800 and 1000nm wavelength?

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me what gasses are absorbed between 800 and 1000nm wavelength and weather there is a book that lists all the gas wavelengths that can be absorbed in this region Thanks bertopolis
  5. B

    Gases I could expect to see using an IR receiver

    Thanks a Million. I just learned that when doing infrared spectrometry there must be an infrared source and another light source( eg. He Ne laser) but of course both these would need individual detectors, would this be done by placing a beam splitter at the exit of the spectrometer after the...
  6. B

    Gases I could expect to see using an IR receiver

    Would you know anywhere that could be a source of the wavelength of gases in this interval? I've been trying to find what gases could be found here for various weeks, although my more pressing question is what glass type can be used in order for results to not be affected. Thanks for all your help
  7. B

    Gases I could expect to see using an IR receiver

    Hi I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of gases I could expect to see using an IR receiver between the wavelengths of 110 and 330 nm. As well as this id love to know what kind of glass could be used in order to not interfere with the actual results. Thanks a million