Recent content by Benoit

  1. Benoit

    Bonding and antibonding states of hybridized molecules

    Ok, but why can't wheuse molecular orbital theory with hybrid orbitals, I don't get why the concept is not the same. Does the molecular orbital theory fails to explain hybrization ?
  2. Benoit

    Bonding and antibonding states of hybridized molecules

    Hey there, With covalent bonds, we have bonding and antibonding states. If we now have, let's say sp or sp2 states, doesn't matter, is there an equivalent bonding or antibonding state related to this sp bond ? I mean, why sp states wouldn't have antibonding states like every normal covalent bond ?
  3. Benoit

    Eddy current loss in solenoid half-filled with magnetic core

    Hey ! Let's say I have a solenoid that is only half-filled with a magnetic core. Now I want to know what is the loss due to Eddy currents. First, I want to find the magnetic field with Ampere's law. With this kind of geometry, I'm not even able to apply Ampere's Law ! have of picture here of the...
  4. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    Hey, finally it turned out the distribution was squarred, because it's a probability distribution. When you square a sine function, the frequency double, hence the wavelenght becomes the half.
  5. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    Yes, I tend to believe I did the error before doing so, but I'll surely do it if I'm sure there is an error.
  6. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    I don't know, it is not given. The more velocities we were plugging, the more the distribution was narrowing but no equation was given. It's a lab, we had to "measure" ourselves I suggest.
  7. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    If you are sure those 2 equations are coherent together, I'll just assume I'm the cause of the error and maybe I'll try to talk to my teacher, I just didn't want to look silly in front of him.
  8. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    A full wavelength. Actually, I counted 33 λ over 20 mm, so there is the value I gave you.
  9. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    A classical sine wave, we were only considering the problem in one dimension with only one velocity at a time. We then went further with wavepackets, but I had problems way before going into that. I measured myself the wavelenghts. It's a Matlab simulation that our Prof gave us, it seemed legit...
  10. Benoit

    I De Broglie Momentum doesn't seem in Agreement with p=mv

    Hi there. So I had this lab last week about De Broglie hypothesis. In a simulation, we plugged in the electron velocity and the computer gave back a beautiful wavefunction, from which I can measure the wavelength. So here I have an electron going at 0.6 m/s with a wavelenght of 0.00060606...
  11. Benoit

    Phase shift of light incident on 2 slits

    Well, you know that light is an oscillating wave made of an electric and magnetic field. When you add two waves, like in Young's experiment, you could look at it as if you add up the electric fields of the waves. So add : E1sint(wt+Φ1) and E1sin(wt+Φ2) With a little work, you end up with ...
  12. Benoit

    Phase shift of light incident on 2 slits

    There exists a formula giving the intensity of the interference pattern as a function of the phase shift. It goes like this (for 2 slits) : I=4Iocos2(Φ/2)
  13. Benoit

    How do telecommunications work?

    It's clearer now, thanks!
  14. Benoit

    How do telecommunications work?

    How telecommunications work? I mean, there are so much waves around us nowadays, how my cellphone recognizes a single signal and rings only when it detects it? If my cellphone is a receipter, why can't I listen to my neighbor converstation, why isn't there a lot of interference and how waves...