Recent content by benben26

  1. B

    Importance of skin depth in radio communications

    So we want a very small skin depth so the aerial receives the EM wave easilly and converts this into a current?
  2. B

    Improving reception from a transmitter

    Its a hypothetical question, a transmitter has been attatched to an elephant and it is being used to track the elephant. Thanks for your help!
  3. B

    Improving reception from a transmitter

    Homework Statement I need some points on how one would improve reception from a transmitter. The frequency of the transmission is originally 1GHz. The Attempt at a Solution Would deceasing the transmission frequency improve reception? Any other pointers?
  4. B

    Importance of skin depth in radio communications

    So if it is the ariel, what is the importance of skin depth?
  5. B

    Importance of skin depth in radio communications

    I don't really understand your question...the aerial?
  6. B

    Importance of skin depth in radio communications

    Homework Statement 'Briefly explain the importance of skin depth in the context of radio communications.' Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution A guess would be that, the frequencies of the radio transmissions should be kept small so that the signal has a large skin depth...