Recent content by BenAS

  1. BenAS

    B Collision of Stars: How Often & How Many?

    Does a stellar merger count as a collision? Edit, wiki has a page on stellar collisions
  2. BenAS

    B Is it possible to see sunspots with the unaided eye?

    It was something I didn't think much about at the time, the eclipse (which btw was amazing) made me think about it again.
  3. BenAS

    B Is it possible to see sunspots with the unaided eye?

    Sorry it was so long ago, thinking more about it I think it was 2.5 years ago (from my memory of where I was working) best guess is February-March 2015 or earlier. That's the best I can come up with
  4. BenAS

    B Is it possible to see sunspots with the unaided eye?

    Thanks everyone for the comprehensive answers
  5. BenAS

    B Is it possible to see sunspots with the unaided eye?

    I would think the dark point would move around with my vision (like floaters, which I have). Not stay exactly the same place on the sun for 10-15 minutes Edit: I was not staring at it the whole time, I kept looking back at it when it wasn't too bright. But wise advice nonetheless
  6. BenAS

    B Is it possible to see sunspots with the unaided eye?

    This has been bugging me for a while, I'm not sure what I saw exactly. A few months ago there was some thin clouds blowing past the sun, obscuring it to the point you could easily look at the disk with the unaided eye. There was a dark spot, that looked like a sunspot as seen in filtered...
  7. BenAS

    B Goldilocks zones of other parameters

    The pressure at the bottom of the oceans on Earth gets as high as ~1000 bars. A lot of life evolves/lives there.
  8. BenAS

    B Why don't galaxies obey gravity?

    So I think what he's asking about (I've been thinking about it also, which is why I asked about the math. Thanks btw) is wether or not spacetime can "rotate" around a galaxy. This would be in addition to the frame dragging. I figure people smarter than me (Not a high bar) have considered this...
  9. BenAS

    B Why don't galaxies obey gravity?

    I'm not sure if I should start a new thread, being this is a "b" level thread. I'm curios as to how this is calculated, on a about "I" level is about all I will be able to understand.
  10. BenAS

    B Help me understand light traveling through vast distances in space

    Is the evidence enough to suggest that the universe continues homogeneous and isotopic beyond our cosmological horizon? Clusters of galaxies etc.
  11. BenAS

    B What is the Unit for Gas Giant Planets in Astrophysics?

    Earth masses. So >10 M⊕ is more than 10 Earth masses.
  12. BenAS

    B Why didn't the Universe end up in a huge black hole?

    I have wondered about the question in the op also, and tried forum searches and internet searches. All I come up with are endless threads about weather or not the universe is a black hole, I don't think that's the question here. I'm not sure exactly how to ask the question, or if there is even a...
  13. BenAS

    Help calculating maximum loads

    So I am trying to solve a problem, I’ve done a simple solution but I want a more comprehensive answer and don’t know how to do the math. The problem involves climbing anchors and the difference between max loads of an equalized vs non equalized anchor. The two different situations, I’ll try to...
  14. BenAS

    B Einstein's Epiphany of Constant Light Speed

    It was an observation. Experiments showed the speed of light is invariant. Relativity was an explanation Sent from my SM-G550T2 using Physics Forums mobile app