Recent content by Beeza

  1. B

    Programs What to do about lazy PhD advisor.

    Hi Guys, This question doesn't pertain directly to me-- since I'm not a PhD student until next fall. However, I do have a friend that is really struggling with a terrible PhD advisor, and I would really appreciate you guys opinion (especially those of you in academia). I'll try to keep the...
  2. B

    Instant Messaging: How Many People Use IM & Which Services?

    I'm on AOL instant messenger sometimes, but I always stay invisible and have a very big "blocked" list. This way only people I want to talk to message me :)
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    Fortran C or FORTRAN compiler for Vista?

    Cygwin + JGrasp if you don't feel like learning command-line stuff.
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    Fun Party Tricks to Impress Your Friends

    My friend Lewis likes to open glass beer bottles with his teeth :) It's always interesting waiting for him to break a tooth.
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    Who's Up for a Cribbage Game on Mt. Washington Tomorrow?

    I'm ashamed to say that I live 2 hours away and I've still only been up there once in my entire life. I do remember there being snow up there right around the foliage season. It's a beautiful area up there though :)
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    Shooting method and a shock wave (discontinuity at the inner boundary condition)

    I've done searching on the topic, and I really don't know where else to turn, so here it goes. I hope somebody can point me in the right direction. I've been working on using a shooting method to solve the steady-state spherically symmetric fluid equations for an accreting plasma. Basically, it...
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    What Are Creative Ways to Thank a Professor for a Letter of Recommendation?

    Should you still write a note even if you still work for them daily? Does it make it awkward? Also, should it be written on a thank you card or type something up formally?
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    Why Is Northeastern University's Co-op Program Worth Considering?

    Congrats. Northeastern has one of the nicest city campuses I've ever seen. Stay out of trouble in Boston though :)
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    To the converted atheists: What do you miss from believing ?

    I'd rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.
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    Math/Physics Equation writing tool

    MathType is great.
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    Is it possible to do astrophysics research

    astrorob, that kind of destroys the anonymity of the internet, but here are two papers I know for a fact do not require super-computers. 50, I'm sure they are extremely...
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    Can Lingerie Contribute to Environmental Sustainability?

    I'd be interested to see just where they put the "outlets" :-) I can think of two perfect places.
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    Is it possible to do astrophysics research

    You do not need a super-computer -- or even a really good computer to write meaningful astrophysics simulations. I've written and been published (still submitted) for one last summer and will hopefully have another done by the end of this summer. Granted it was done under the supervision of my...
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    Is it possible to do astrophysics research

    Look up Numerical Recipes in C or even the 3rd edition is really good, but is written for C++ I believe. It seems to be the standard introduction to numerical methods for those in research. I find the book a bit sophisticated sometimes, and their coding style is a bit awkward, so their example...
  15. B

    Is it possible to do astrophysics research

    What have you taken for math and physics courses?