Recent content by Beautiful Mess

  1. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    my cat does that! except we have grey squirrels here... Oh once we had a ginger one! It was sooooooo cute. I have a video of my friend's cat meowing to be let through a glass door when it was a kitten :smile: she was such a pretty kitten. lol my boyfriends dad had one of those, now it is not...
  2. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    lol we have those here too, my friend always buys loads when we go to the cinema, they taste of strawberry :smile: but are fairly sickening especially if you try to use them as both top and botton teeth rows...:biggrin:
  3. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    Fang Candy! ! ! Yay!
  4. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    late night! (its 1 am lol and i have to get up for school at 7! damn insomnia) anyhow here's one of me n my best friend, we've known each other since we were 6 (we were also kinda "childhood sweethearts"). Its now kinda strange though seeing as he lives in france (im french but i live with...
  5. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    lol all girls self criticise! if we didnt we'd all look boring n not try (erm, yes, try... i make so much sense)
  6. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    another one of me n ben and then one that Julien took on my bed, in sepia... its quite a cool effect, but not such a good photo.
  7. B

    Glass Ceiling in Science and Engineering

    really?? for med?? i didnt know that, i wonder if my cousin does :s argo!
  8. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    mwahahahaha my point exactly! though lego parts? and it works? oh dear, that's why they needed the fans, otherwise the lego would have melted :-p
  9. B

    Are All 4x4 Vehicles Dangerous and Smelly?

    i don't like them. 4x4 scare me, and diesels smell (or if its anything like my sister's car... they die on hills regularly lol). Though not as bad as catalystic converters...
  10. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    oh no not lan parties, my guy friends have those. me n moose crashed them :rolleyes: lan parties are no fun, even a few of the guys admitted that!
  11. B

    Glass Ceiling in Science and Engineering

    mm i don't like the whole fast track thing. It would make me feel useless. i hate the fact they do this gender stuff. but now i think I'm going to do geography ^^ so that won't be such a problem.
  12. B

    Are All 4x4 Vehicles Dangerous and Smelly?

    a car is a car. As long as it works properly and makes me feel safe i'll like it... actually that's not quite true, but I am not fussy as long as it isn't a diesel or a 4x4
  13. B

    Glass Ceiling in Science and Engineering

    probably partly. It makes sense, though it's not really the employee's fault either. I mean, i didnt ask to be a girl lol.
  14. B

    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    you know i think I've been near there... it looks damn familiar. plus i agree with hypatia :rolleyes: though only for army/navy/raf or police uniforms! school uni's suck! (which is why I'm not complaining about my bf joining the raf :smile: though i am worried about him...)
  15. B

    How Much Time Do You Spend Studying Per Week? - My 5 Hours

    lol ok then, thanks for the tips. ^^