Recent content by bchandler

  1. B

    Does Firing a Gun from a Moving Vehicle Affect Bullet Speed?

    An observer from the vehicle would measure the projectile at the normal 1000fps. An observer on the ground would measure it as 1500fps (the velocities of the vehicle and projectile would in fact be additive from his point of view). This is of course not taking into account the added air...
  2. B

    Engineering Optical Engineer Salaries: Real Pay Stories

    If you're not in college yet, most engineering degrees have the same classes the first two years or so. So why don't you take a few classes and see if higher mathematics is for you. It's not for everybody, no mater how smart you are. Have you had exposure to optics in physics? You'll get the...
  3. B

    Engineering Aerospace vs. Mechanical Engineering Careers

    I am just entering as a junior in my undergrad program, and have one semester left of classes which can apply to either degree. So soon I will have to make a concrete choice regarding which degree I am going for. Hopefully some ME's or ASE's out there can give me some advice. Personally...
  4. B

    CE 102What is the relationship between confidence intervals and t-distributions?

    I thought that Nu was directly related to n? Either n-1 or n-2 (can't remember which, statistics wasn't my favorite class).
  5. B

    More atoms in a cup of water, than cups in an ocean?

    Well, that doesn't really tell you how many cups are in the ocean, though, does it? :)
  6. B

    Doom Character's Infamous Scream Noise

    I've researched this too! It's a very famous stock sound clip used by many sound designers for myriad purposes. I haven't been able to track down the original source for it, and from my searching, no one else has, either. I'm sure it's so old that its out of copyright, whatever source its...
  7. B

    Static Electricity Woes: Solving My Jacket Problem

    Going down the plastic slide at any children's playground a few times with your jacket on should cure the problem. o:)
  8. B

    More atoms in a cup of water, than cups in an ocean?

    I've heard this before, and am just wondering if you guys think it's true. The saying is "There are more atoms in a cup of water than there are cups of water in the oceans of the world." I am pretty sure I heard this on some Science Channel show about atoms. I know it would depend on the...
  9. B

    I want to create a flotation device

    You might want to crack one of these open. They're cheap and operate in the same way you are thinking:
  10. B

    Do you consider probablity a true science?

    I'm currently in a probability and statistics class, and while I can appreciate the concept of trying to keep tabs of large sets of data, I just can't get past the fact that if you actually run the experiment, the results will probably (ironically) come out differently that what you calculated...
  11. B

    Coordinate (1,-2), angle of intersection thru origin?

    Nevermind, I figured it out. I just set up a triangle along the axes to figure out the angle and the distance. Should have thought about this one more... Feel free to delete mods...
  12. B

    Coordinate (1,-2), angle of intersection thru origin?

    I'm trying to do a simple electric field due to point charges problem, but I'm stuck on a very simple detail. There are a number of point charges on an xy plane, and one of the point charges is at the cooridinate (1,-2). I need to figure out which angle a line drawn from this point to the...
  13. B

    Anyone else quickly forget material when the class is over?

    I am an engineering undergrad, and always get top grades in my courses, but find myself quickly forgetting the material soon after moving on to new courses. For example, on our first Calc III exam, I forgot how to integrate a very basic function for the integration of a vector function...
  14. B

    Physics and Calculus together.

    For what its worth, "Calculus for Dummies" and "How to Ace Calculus" both helped to clarify ideas a lot for me while I was taking both Calc I and II. Of course, these should only be used as a supplement to a proper text.