Recent content by bc030400412

  1. B

    Comp Sci Find the Second Largest Integer in a Java Array | Simple Function Example

    Q1. Write a function that accepts an array of integers and returns the second largest integer in the array. Return -1 if there is no second largest. The signature of the function is public class ID { public static void main(String[] args){ } int f(int[ ] a) { } } Examples...
  2. B

    Differential Equation Problem_Solution step by step

    Differential Equation Problem_Solution step by step
  3. B

    Iteration Method_Step By Step Solution Q1

    iteration Method_Step By Step Solution Q1
  4. B

    Regula Falsi-Method_Step By Step Solution Q2

    Regula Falsi-Method_Step By Step Solution Q2
  5. B

    Write a TSR Program: Changing the Background Color

    Write a TSR program that changes the background color of the screen to red every 5 second and then white next 5 second, And this continues until you press ‘Q’ It should not modify the text displayed on the screen. Hint: 1_ Intercept Keyboard interrupt (0x09H) 2_ Use video text memory...
  6. B

    Math Help q2, solution step by step

    post solution step by step
  7. B

    Math Help, solution step by step

    solution step by step