Recent content by Bayoudh101

  1. Bayoudh101

    I MRI synchronization with the IRF90

    Hello , In MRI physics , I don't seem to be able to wrap my head around the synchronization in the precession of the protons after an RF90 impulse (which is an electromagnetic impulse that would deviate the precessing magnetic field axe by 90 degrees) the synchronization would give the vector...
  2. Bayoudh101

    B The number of possible combinations with a constraint

    thank you very much sir , i can see it now .
  3. Bayoudh101

    B The number of possible combinations with a constraint

    Hello , i was doing one of Euler project programming problems the other day , and i came across this one . i tried everything i know about probability , i tried combinations and everything , and i just couldn't get something logically fit to solve this . i tried to ignore this but i just...
  4. Bayoudh101

    Exploring Physics & Math in Medical School: Books for Understanding

    now that solves the first problem , i will make sure to fully read that textbook . what can i do about quantum mechanics though ? i just have a deep desire to read about that and establish a small understanding . i can't find a path though . all i want is for someone to give me a path , a...
  5. Bayoudh101

    Exploring Physics & Math in Medical School: Books for Understanding

    Thank you very much , I highly highly highly appreciate your remarks .
  6. Bayoudh101

    Exploring Physics & Math in Medical School: Books for Understanding

    I am a medical student , but i am highly interested in physics and math and in medical school we are studying many interesting phenomenons , now we are not supposed to know more than the superficial bit of information they present us with , but i got really stuck with some matters and i really...
  7. Bayoudh101

    Can i get a mathematical function out of this picture?

    done , thank you for responding sir .
  8. Bayoudh101

    Can i get a mathematical function out of this picture?

    i am working for a small project at home , and for it i am using an infra red sensor . which returns a voltage value relative to distance . this picture describes the output : (given by the datasheet) : (the picture is highly precise) now all of the distances that i will be getting are...
  9. Bayoudh101

    Why does the pKA of -COOH change when -NH3+ is present in the same molecule?

    Why is the Pka relative to -COOH change when -NH3+ is in the same molecule ?
  10. Bayoudh101

    Why does the pKA of -COOH change when -NH3+ is present in the same molecule?

    Its a very simple question . So when the carboxylic acid radical -COOH is standalone in an aliphatic molecule without any other acid or basic radicals Pka would be around 4.5 . But when something like -NH3+ is present in the same molecule the Pka for -COOH changes , even though -NH3+ wouldn't...
  11. Bayoudh101

    Why Is Understanding Biochemistry Foundations Crucial for Medical Students?

    Hello . 1) - i am having some problems with biochemistry (first month of first semester of first year of medical school) . the course contains a large number of spontaneous chemical reactions especially on -OH , -COOH , -COH ... groups on glucides , Amino acides and so on ... when i ask the...