Recent content by Baums Mizushala

  1. Baums Mizushala

    Point on a graph nearest to the origin

    Oh thank you! Now I see. My mistake was assuming that the equation would take care of any need for restrictions. Thanks a lot!
  2. Baums Mizushala

    Point on a graph nearest to the origin

    No, I really don't understand. I know I got it wrong but I can't see exactly where I made the mistake. Like where did I take a misstep?
  3. Baums Mizushala

    Point on a graph nearest to the origin

    Here is the graph of the equation I've managed to draw with Desmos. ##x=-{\frac 5 4}## is the solution I got but it lies outside the graph, but the minimum distance should be at ##(-1,0)##. At least according to the book.
  4. Baums Mizushala

    Point on a graph nearest to the origin

    Since ##x=-{\frac 5 4}## is outside the graph, I guess it won't have a y-coordinate. Even from the equation of the graph, I get ##y=\sqrt{-{\frac 5 8}}##, which is invalid.
  5. Baums Mizushala

    Point on a graph nearest to the origin

    The Attempt at a Solution I know the answer is supposed to be ##(-1,0)##. However when I differentiate the above expression I get. $$ 2x+{\frac 5 2} $$ Then the shortest distance would be when the expression equates to 0. $$ 2x+{\frac 5 2}=0 $$ I should be getting ##x=-1## but solving for ##x##...