Recent content by basket_case

  1. B

    Voltage-divider and d'Arsonval voltmeter problem

    Can I use this equations: U2 = I * R; I = Uin/(R1 + R2)? I = 126 V / (15 kohms + 60 kohms) = 1.68 mA; U2 = 1.68 mA * 60 kohms = 100.8 V. Is that correct?
  2. B

    Voltage-divider and d'Arsonval voltmeter problem

    Voltage divider equation: Uout = Uin * R2 / (R1 + R2). And for my problem Uout = 126 V * 60 kohms / (60 kohms + 15 kohms) = 100.8 V.
  3. B

    Voltage-divider and d'Arsonval voltmeter problem

    The voltage-divider circuit is designed so that the no-load output voltage is 8/10ths of the input voltage. A d'Arsonval voltmeter having a sensitivity of 200 ohms/V and a full-scale rating of 150 V is used to check the operation of the circuit. a) What will the voltmeter read if it is placed...