Recent content by Bararontok

  1. B

    How Solar Power is Not a Solution to Replacing Nuclear Power

    It is so frustrating and outrageous that science has become biased by the political agendas of the extreme conservative right and the extreme liberal left. Each side produces pseudo-scientific junk research and "massaged stats" to back up their ideologies. The right with its white supremacists...
  2. B

    Does the back bridge really fix back problems?

    It claims to be able to fix problems such as slip discs, scoliosis and lordosis, setting the spine back into a normal position by simply lying down on the curved surface and letting it stretch the spine. Is this really true? Source:
  3. B

    How much energy is used for lift and for thrust in various aircraft?

    Yes, I would appreciate it if you could post some sample values for T/W, L/W, T/D, & L/D ratios, & parasitic drag, of some good new high performance aircraft and older obsolete aircraft from various generations of aircraft technology that did not perform as well for comparison.
  4. B

    How much energy is used for lift and for thrust in various aircraft?

    Additionally, is it also possible to divide the lift by the weight to get a lift-to-weight ratio?
  5. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    Of course because there will always have to be a frame of reference to do a comparison. So the correct statement would be: the passage of time relative between moving objects is dilated because of space-time and the invariance of c but this time dilation occurs relative to other objects and not...
  6. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    So this means that the mere existence of space-time and the invariance of c is enough to cause these phenomena because all objects are interacting with space-time at all times and because of the limit of c which is (in a vacuum) always invariant and always applies to all situations. And it is...
  7. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    Well, this is true because space-time is a physical entity in itself so, as I mentioned in the passage of gravitational time dilation, it interacts with all matter and forces. Does this mean that, assuming there is only one object in motion, its time would still slow down as it accelerates to...
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    Correct definition of time dilation

    Alright, the speed of light is the same for all objects regardless of their relative motion, because c is an invariant fundamental constant (assuming a vacuum) of the universe just like the fine structure constant and the gravitational constant and this invariant speed limit in the transmission...
  9. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    So does this mean that the relative velocity time dilation is caused by the invariant speed of c causing the information traveling between two objects whether in motion with respect to a reference frame or not to be distorted and cause the effects of motion or a running clock to appear to be...
  10. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    Yes, the statement I have made may be too general. Would it be more appropriate to say that the time dilation due to relative velocity occurs because the speed of the information sent by the fastest methods: the mass-less gauge bosons and space-time are limited by their invariant speeds...
  11. B

    Correct definition of time dilation

    Time is relative because of gravitational time dilation and relative velocity time dilation. Gravitational time dilation is caused by gravitational force slowing down physical phenomena because of its interaction with all matter and forces, with the speed of the passage of time inversely...
  12. B

    Review My Valkyria Chronicles Fanart - #1 Isara Gunther, #2 Edelweiss

    Here are some more fanart. These 3 are for the Gundam Series: This one is for Transformers...
  13. B

    Is the Hayflick limit an absolute limit for the human lifespan?

    Interesting, additionally there is also this publication from the following source: Which proves that carnosine can increase the Hayflick limit of human diploid fibroblasts, the cells responsible for various vital functions in...
  14. B

    Review My Valkyria Chronicles Fanart - #1 Isara Gunther, #2 Edelweiss

    Yes, these are images of my artwork.
  15. B

    Review My Valkyria Chronicles Fanart - #1 Isara Gunther, #2 Edelweiss

    Can somebody in this forum please review my fanart? Medium: Microsoft Paint Fanart Subject: Valkyria Chronicles Fanart #1: Corporal Isara Gunther Fanart #2: Edelweiss