Recent content by baker0

  1. baker0

    Exploring Incompleteness Theorem: Are All Collections of Axioms Incomplete?

    Presburger Arithmetic is not a good example. I claimed this was true for finite axioms.
  2. baker0

    Is Our Universe Truly a Hologram?

    Bohm certainly thought our universe was a hologram. Whether or not our universe is a hologram is currently highly unclear.
  3. baker0

    News Is North Korea's Leadership Turning More Ruthless?

    I don't think he will die anytime soon. He seems to be paranoid enough, that he'll kill off anyone he suspects of treason. If he were assassinated by foreign powers, he would be replaced with someone just like him. Just like he did. In other words, business as usual, as Greg pointed out.
  4. baker0

    Solve Inequality Problem: Sum of a <= 100

    You can't use 0 as a since 1/0 is undefined. That must be excluded from your answer.
  5. baker0

    Exploring Incompleteness Theorem: Are All Collections of Axioms Incomplete?

    Incompleteness has everything to do with axioms. Axioms do not prove themselves. Axioms are things that are assumed to be true. Axioms are just propositions. In order to be complete, we must prove these axioms.
  6. baker0

    Exploring Incompleteness Theorem: Are All Collections of Axioms Incomplete?

    True, you do have to be a little more rigorous. By incomplete I mean you cannot prove all the axioms to the point where nothing is left assumed or unproven. Of course Presburger Arithmetic is complete in the sense that you can deduce each proposition from the axioms. However, incomplete in that...
  7. baker0

    News Yay Another Xmas bomber bites the dust.

    Borg, thanks for the info. Russ, the article says they were his accomplices. From the same article: "Internal FBI memos show agents were aware that Mohamud was "manipulable." Sounds like the FBI did the persuasion necessary.
  8. baker0

    News Yay Another Xmas bomber bites the dust.

    Ok, but isn't it kinda shady that are law enforcement agents (the people who are supposed to protect us) are being accomplices to the guy who wants to kill us all? You do know that we have bad cops out there. Thoughtcrime had nothing to do with my argument, by the way. And I will admit, that my...
  9. baker0

    News Yay Another Xmas bomber bites the dust.

    Well, has he committed a crime? If I point a fake gun at you, and I pull the trigger should I go to jail for attempted murder? Or are you saying it somehow matters that I know the gun is fake? Even though there could never be a murder in the first place because the gun is fake. Unless of...
  10. baker0

    News Yay Another Xmas bomber bites the dust.

    So? There were no explosives. Right? No harm, no foul. And he could serve life? He clearly did not attempt to use any weapons of mass destruction, because there was none!
  11. baker0

    Exploring Incompleteness Theorem: Are All Collections of Axioms Incomplete?

    Is any collection of axioms incomplete? This seems to be intuitively true. Relating to Godel's Incompleteness theorem, Godel proved any consistent set of axioms based on the theory of natural numbers cannot be proved themselves, without leaving any assumptions. So what I am wondering is...
  12. baker0

    Solving -x^n: Pre-Calculus Confusion

    In addition, be careful about the first statement that you made. -xn≠(-x)n does not hold for all n and x that you are used to using. This statement is FALSE for all odd n. There is also some x for which this is false.
  13. baker0

    What's the point of inductive proofs?

    This is the real argument here. As economicsnerd pointed out, for a family of statements f(n), where n varies over a nonempty collection of the positive integers, if one of these statements is false, then there is a first false statement. Why is this the case? This follows from the fact that a...
  14. baker0

    Which Physics Electives are Best for Preparing for Graduate School?

    Yeah, I thought it was odd that QM was not required, but some QM is covered in the modern physics course.