Recent content by badsanta010

  1. B

    Complex Number RLC Series Parallel Voltage and Current Supply

    I could'nt be sure but I assumse that when the formula states Omega it uses its standard form.
  2. B

    Complex Number RLC Series Parallel Voltage and Current Supply

    Using the following formula: 1/jwC =1/j(25K rads/sec)(10nF) Thanks
  3. B

    Complex Number RLC Series Parallel Voltage and Current Supply

    Hi Everyone. I have been looking at this questions for a while now and have just hit a brick wall. I have found the source impedances using the the following Z of Current source = 1KΩ - jXC =1000 - j4000Ω = 4123<-75.96° Z of Voltage source = 4KΩ + jXL = 4000 + j1000Ω =...
  4. B

    Complex Number Sine Wave Problem

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry no doesn't look familiar. Have looked through my notes nothing either. I can kind of follow what you have done so I will give it a go and see how I get on. Thanks
  5. B

    Complex Number Sine Wave Problem

    Homework Statement Two alternating voltages are given by: V1= 12 sin 200pi t V2= 18 sin 200pi t + pi / 3 i) Plot each wave form on the same axis for one complete cycle ii) Add both together and plot the resultant waveform on the same axis iii) Using complex numbers, confirm ii)...
  6. B

    Tractive effort of car D'Alemberts principle

    Hi Thanks for the help I cannot clarify on the work done. I assume as you said it must be asking for work done of the tractive effort I knew work done = change in KE I did'nt know change in PE could also be added to this Well thanks again, I will try and give this a go when I am...
  7. B

    Tractive effort of car D'Alemberts principle

    Hi I have been working on this problem now for a good few weeks and I think I am nearly there just need help on the last bit. The Question: A car of mass 1200kg accelertaes from 2.5 to 5.0 ms while traveling up a slope of 1in 10, through a distance of 60m. If resistance to motion is...