Recent content by BadFish

  1. B

    Is there life in the universe, and if so has it visited Earth?

    The show made me more open to what could be out there. Like I said, I don't have a degree in anything scientific or know calculus, and I'm sure you probably do (and therefore respect your opinion), and as a scientist who follows procedures to proof things, there may not be absolute proof, but it...
  2. B

    Is there life in the universe, and if so has it visited Earth?

    Has anyone seen the show on history channel today, "I know what I saw."? Its regarding UFO's. I was orginally agianst the theory of UFO's, until I saw this show. At one point during the show, a pilot apparently saw a UFO on radar, made a report on it, and the government said it never happened...
  3. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    Ahh, I see. I was supposed to write it in algebra format. That makes sense Let's say p = $550, then P= 10*(40) + 15(the overtime rate)*10 To get the overtime rate multiply 1.5 x 10 (the normal rate)
  4. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    P = (r1 * t1) + (r2 * t2) $550 = (10/per hour * 40) + ($15 per hour * 10)
  5. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    So, we need one formula for the normal rate of pay, (40 hours in a week), and another formula for the overtime pay, 10 hours a weeK?
  6. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    $10/hour * h = Gross pay I know you said you need 2 formulas, but why? Example $10 per hour * h (hours in a week) Say h = 40 $10/per hour * (40) Can you give me a clue?
  7. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    I did very good in algebra in high school, did not do good in geometry in middle school. I have (at least some think so) a minor form of autism called asperger's. I was one of the best in my class in high school in algebra I, and was a math tutor, ironically, at the charter school. It's been...
  8. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    Find the sum of pay when working $10 per hour for 40 hours, with the rate of 1.5x the normal rate for the extra 10 hours, for a total of 50 hours h = hours 40 * 10h + 10 * 10h * 1.5 = $550 (Number of hours times 10 dollars per hour) + (overtime hours, 10 + $10 per hour * the overtime rate) Is...
  9. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    So one value for 40 hours, and one value for the overtime value (10 hours)?
  10. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    1.5 * r = overtime rate example: let normal rate = 10/hour then, 1.5 * 10 = New rate $15 Not sure on the second question.. I want to understand this so bad...going to keep trying to find the answer! Time over 40 hours... (1.5 * r)/t example one week, 7 days (1.5 * r)/t (1.5 * 10)/t...
  11. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    40*p + 10*1.5*p I did not include the units in that expression but you can supply them and analyze the result. What do you mean by this? replace p with 10, then, 40*p + 10*1.5*p 40*(10) + 10*1.5(10) $400 + 10*(15) $400 + $150 = 550 550 = 550 (Check...answering is right)
  12. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    10 hours overtime (50), 40 hours normal.
  13. B

    I feel bad I can't understand the most simple of algebra

    Total pay = Hourly rate * number of hours per week + 1.5h $550 = (10 * 40 = $400) + ( 1.5 * 15) Darn, that's not right either! I'm not sure how to modify the second rate..