Recent content by Backup

  1. B

    Energy from the sun that reaches the earth

    Yeah I have the distance of and the radius. I know the speed of light. Problem I have is how does energy decrease over a distance with a speed
  2. B

    Energy from the sun that reaches the earth

    The sun consumes about 600 million tons of matter per second, How much energy is that? Of this energy how much reaches the surface of the earth E=mc^2 I solved the first part, but how do I start the second?
  3. B

    Changing the inertial reference frame to follow a mass in a collision

    This is the actual question "Discuss how the two equations might be simplified if we choose a different inertial reference frame for some problem under consideration. Explain the potential downside in taking this approach in solving elastic collision problems in one dimension."
  4. B

    Changing the inertial reference frame to follow a mass in a collision

    Homework Statement We could change to inertial reference frame in a collision to follow a mass. But what would the down side be if we did? Homework Equations Vf1=(M1-M2)/(M1+M2)*Vi1 +2M2/(M1+M2)*Vi2 Vf2=2M1/(M1+M2)*Vi1 +(M1-M2)/(M1+M2)*Vi2 The Attempt at a Solution This question...