Recent content by BabyHueyTAW

  1. BabyHueyTAW

    Definition: What is meant by port "CARP" ASIC functionality in a Field Programmable Gate Array?

    Common access redundancy protocol application specific integrated circuit...
  2. BabyHueyTAW

    Definition: What is meant by port "CARP" ASIC functionality in a Field Programmable Gate Array?

    Summary: What is meant by port CARP ASIC functionality to a field programmable Gate Array FPGA. And what is Acronym CARP? What is meant by port CARP ASIC functionality to a field programmable Gate Array FPGA. And what is Acronym CARP?
  3. BabyHueyTAW

    Electrical Low Voltage AC-AC or AC-DC Step Up

    Once again! y'all help me out of a pickle!
  4. BabyHueyTAW

    Electrical Low Voltage AC-AC or AC-DC Step Up

    Ahh! I think you're onto something there! so a doorbell XFMR 120-16 is like a 7.5:1 ratio So if i run it reverse, my 1.5 would become close to 12 out! Or am I off the mark?
  5. BabyHueyTAW

    Electrical Low Voltage AC-AC or AC-DC Step Up

    Think that would work? I have this set up, Need 5VAC to energize my conversion system, minimal current draw, maybe 5ma total. Shown, is my AC/DC to DC step down (left) and my DC-DC step up. Need to bump the input from my generator outputting 1.5VAC. **End goal is charge a portable cell phone...
  6. BabyHueyTAW

    Electrical Low Voltage AC-AC or AC-DC Step Up

    Ok, So my generator is producing ~1.5VAC. I need to step that up via transformer to no less than 5VAC max of 20VAC. Ideas or links to components I can use?
  7. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    ! I Now Understand what you mean on the enter and exit voltage! My coil is much too long and not enough coils to cut with the magnetic field! I must shorten my coil and add layers to it! You guys are amazing!
  8. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    So I am going to try this, and see what we see.
  9. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    Hmm, so my coil does not necessarily need to be that tall as long as my magnetic field cuts both ends. I think I understand. I think my wife would shoot me if i bought a copper pipe right now just to play with. she was not thrilled with the price of my toy magnets... I will keep playing with...
  10. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    Inside the PVC I will have a wooden dowel, wrapped around the dowel is my coil. the magnet stack will be free moving vertical only.
  11. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    This is exactly the concept, just want to move the magnet not the coil
  12. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    As the magnet in the large disc move up and down the column which houses the coil. If this helps explain better
  13. BabyHueyTAW

    Determining Number of Turns for low voltage AC Generator

    As far as the lay of the coils in the image, those are really just a visual for the idea in my head. I did not consider the cancellation. I think I may actually have better results trying this the old fashioned way of trial and error. I will repost over in DIY. Thank y'all!