Recent content by babayevdavid

  1. B

    Implications of the tangent of a function being at a maximum

    Does the tangent of a function being at a maximum necessarily mean that the function itself is at a maximum? I am supposed to find whether del is at a maximum at w = (tansig*taneps)^(-1/2) del = arctan(w*(tsig-teps)/(1+(w^2*(tsig*teps)))) tansig and taneps are constants and w is the...
  2. B

    MATLAB Help with MATLAB code; discrepancy between graph max and Matlab's max

    Hi, For some reason, when I run this MATLAB code, I'm getting what looks like about 10,000 for Rf for the largest Vo on the graph, but MATLAB is giving me Rf at (Vo)max as 100,001 Any ideas? clc; clear; close all; syms Rf Rf = 0:0.1:100000; VRt25 = 18.*(10000)./(10000 + Rf)...
  3. B

    Should I be a Scientist or Engineer? Can I be both?

    Hi, I am a biomedical engineering sophomore student at City College and I am not liking the way science and math are taught here. This is mostly because I find it hard to accept things as granted without evidence or real-world demonstrations. The science and math (especially math) courses...
  4. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Uh, why am I being given the definition of a pantry again? lol
  5. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Is that a funny word?
  6. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Oh yes, I always forget to make the distinction. Thanks for pointing it out. I can definitely appreciate pendantry, as I generally am the same :-p
  7. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Wow, thank you for the in-depth explanation. It seems to me though, that when stopping more quickly, even if the rate of wear were to increased, the duration of wear would decrease, so the amount of material lost it seems would not necessarily be greater. And that's aside from the possibility of...
  8. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Ah I see. And yes, as I said, I'm aware of the consequences and dangers. That "might" is what I want to clear up. This was more a thought experiment than anything else
  9. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    So, whether you ease on the break and your car takes longer to stop, or you break faster, in the end, the break pads will dissipate the same amount of the wheel's kinetic energy? I suppose that not only makes sense, but has to make sense, otherwise the car wouldn't stop for both cases. What...
  10. B

    Stopping Abruptly to Save Break Pads

    Hi, I am curious, would stopping a car more quickly, or more abruptly, allow its break pads to last even a little longer? I understand that stopping short may have adverse effects on other parts of the breaking system or on the car or person riding it. I do not intend to stop short in an...
  11. B

    How can I help make today's developing space technology a reality?

    Hi, I am a college sophomore who is currently headed down a biomedical engineering track. Though I was always somewhat fascinated by space, all of this returning hype about space travel and space mining has really sparked in me the desire to help as much as I can with such proceedings. How...
  12. B

    Two Conceptual questions about rotational mechanics

    Hi, I see in many of these physics problems it is explicitly stated that "the cord on the pulley does not slip." [1] What is the implication of this? Why is it important? Also, there is a problem here with a diagram that I will try to explain in words and then have a question about...
  13. B

    The affects of Lenz's Law on Wind Turbines

    Sure, but at some point wouldn't the wind not be enough to counteract the effects of the counter electromotive force?
  14. B

    The affects of Lenz's Law on Wind Turbines

    Hi, If an electrical generator induces a current that opposes the shifting magnetic field that creates it then why don't the wind turbines on wind farms just stop turning after a while? Is it because they are not directly connected or drawn on by electrical devices? Thank you all in advance!
  15. B

    Turbine-powered subway train (3 parts)

    Great! Thank you! I did a little digging around. You are referring to Lenz's Law (about CEMF), correct? This does a better job of explaining it, thank you. The English professor who assigned this paper asked only that we have an inquiry, inquire honestly, and write about it. Both he and I...