Recent content by axlsaml1

  1. A

    Permutations and Combinations of answers and questions

    Answer to question 3. just think a bit and u will get the answer as = 81 +81 =162 (Hint 100, 122, 133, 144,...,199 and same goes for the other 9 figures : 1,2,3, ...,9) then (110, 112,113,114,...,119 and same goes for the other 9 figures : 1,2,3, ...,9)
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    Permutations and Combinations of answers and questions

    Answer to question 2b. if the balls are of different colour then there are 3! =6 ways in which they can be placed 1 in each box there are also 3C1 =3 ways in which all the balls go in one box and finally there are 3C1 X 3C2 X 2C1 =18 ways in which we can choose one box containing 2 ball and...
  3. A

    Permutations and Combinations of answers and questions

    Answer to question 2a. If the balls are of the same colour there is only 3C1 = 3 ways in which all of the 3 balls should be in one box. and there is only 1 way in which 1 ball is in each box (they are of the same colour) and there are only 3C1 X 2C1 = 6 ways of placing one ball in any of the 3...
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    Permutations and Combinations of answers and questions

    your question 1 should be written as: A candidate sitting this paper is told to answer 5 of the 7 questions in section A, and 3 questions from the 5 options(each option consists of 3 questions) in section B, where not more than 2 questions from the same option can be chosen. Assuming that he...
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    Calculating Homothetic Vector Fields

    can anyone please give me an example of how to calculate the homothetic vector field of say a Bianchi Type I exact solution of the Einstein field equation (refer to dynamical systems in cosmology by Wainwright and Ellis chapter 9) note : I know already how to calculate the...
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    Stability of cosmological models

    hint : Wanas and Bakry in a paper entitled " stability of cosmological models" say : that large scale structures cannot be formed in stable cosmological models. i just don't agree and i say that their argument is not accurate enough . i think they shoul rather say : that " large...
  7. A

    Stability of cosmological models

    to those experts in the field of cosmology i was wondering if " large scale structures can be formed in stable cosmological models" or should i say that " large scale structures cannot be formed in those cosmological models that are stable with respect to gravitational or other curvature...