Recent content by ax3111

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    Has anybody heard of this odd sub-type of physics and geology?

    Yes I've read this page, but I was wondering what the actual harmonic resonance equations sort of looked like so I got a better understanding of how it works!
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    Has anybody heard of this odd sub-type of physics and geology?

    I believe it had something to do with resonance
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    Has anybody heard of this odd sub-type of physics and geology?

    Has anybody heard of this odd sub-type of physics and geology? Apparently Tesla was able to build devices that could create earthquakes with his technology. I want to know what these sorts of equations looked like if anybody knew.
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    How can it be negative pressure though? That's what I don't understand.
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    So basically what you're saying is \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \Delta E &= \rho \Delta V &= - p \Delta V. \end{split} \end{equation*} If I'm correct, doesn't \rho = E/v? Or is this wrong to say?
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    okay, why do quantum fluctuations have negative pressure? What forces them to have this characteristic, and why is it different? Okay sorry george jones, but I didn't understand any of that. My mathematics are extremely subpar to my level of understanding for the logical part of it, if that...
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    I'm sorry but I understood basically every other word you said. according to how much I do understand, you say that quantum fluctuations create stress energy, wouldn't this energy actually cause matter to contract towards one another? (because of the whole gravity thing..)
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    So basically what you guys are saying is that this "dark energy" is actually the expansion of spacetime as a biproduct of quantum fluxuations? Does this mean that the amount of dark energy is uniform across all of space? And if it is just the stretching of spacetime, then how is it that we can...
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    does that mean the repelling force of dark energy is equal to that of the force of gravity?
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    What is the Origin of the Repelling Force Between Dark Energy and Matter?

    Okay so dark energy repels mass, but why is that? The reason why masses repel other masses when brought together is the electromagnetic force, but dark energy also doesn't interact at all with electromagnetic waves, and if it exhibited electromagnetic force it would interact with electromagnetic...
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    What is the relationship between mass, energy, and acceleration?

    okat but from my understanding, acceleration and "potential" to do anything is a product of mass. These things come from mass, not the other way around, or am I wrong?
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    What is the relationship between mass, energy, and acceleration?

    so basically all energy comes from the forces? And with that all mass comes from the forces?
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    What is the relationship between mass, energy, and acceleration?

    I've asked all of my teachers where mass comes from, like what causes things to be "massive" and all that. I know something has mass when it has energy blah blah blah but like, why do things have energy then?
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    What Causes Electrons to Emit Both Waves and Particles?

    I understand they're supposed to be analogies, but again you're taking a seemingly 2 dimensional plane (the trampoline) and putting 3 dimensional objects on it to make the plane bend into a 3rd dimension. But in the seemingly 3 dimensional plane that we live in and observe, how does a 3...
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    What Causes Electrons to Emit Both Waves and Particles?

    okay i understand a bit better now. This is a little bit off topic but for spacetime, all of the models that I see or read about have a 2-dimensional plane being bent by a 3 dimensional object. How can this happen when we live in a 3 (as far as we know it) spatial dimensional world with 3...