Recent content by awardr

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    I Have we observed asymptotically free quarks?

    At high energies, quarks behave like single particles, due to the asymptotic freedom in QCD. Have we observed these free quarks yet in experiment? Does the freedom energy match the theoretical models?
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    I Does Acceleration Affect Event Horizon Location?

    Normal acceleration is equivalent to a uniform gravitational field throughout all of space. Thus, if I am normally accelerating, I should observe an event horizon shifted as compared to a non-accelerating observer. Is this correct?
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    Time Energy Uncertainty Question

    if its dependent on choice of frame then how can it be a property of the system?
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    Time Energy Uncertainty Question

    I would appreciate if someone could help figure out this thought experiment: Lets say I have two detectors named A and B. They both want to detect system C. For my naming convention I will say that C.B is the perturbed state of C after interacting with B Ok so both A and B decide to measure...