Recent content by Auxirius

  1. Auxirius

    I What would a hypothetical quark-quark collision yield?

    As seen in the summary, my question is purely hypothetical and I understand that it would most likely be impossible to happen (or I just haven't read enough). The concept that quarks and leptons are the fundamental particles of the universe has existed for a while now - therefore we know that...
  2. Auxirius

    Cyclotron - Vacuum Chamber Materials

    Hi I thank you for the warnings - and no worries, I am not the type to just go 'thanks for the warnings but I'll be fine'. I understand the dangers of the Cyclotron and perhaps there are some I have not known up until recently - which is why I am not going to build it anytime soon. Me and my...
  3. Auxirius

    Cyclotron - Vacuum Chamber Materials

    Hi! Thanks for sharing that link - I'll be sure to look into it.
  4. Auxirius

    Cyclotron - Vacuum Chamber Materials

    Hi! Sorry for my strange response times (timezones are a pain, and was asleep for a while) We have been reading and researching the dangers of cyclotrons for quite a while in our preliminary design stage, and so, we are taking some main dangers into account: 1) To prevent any harm being done...
  5. Auxirius

    Cyclotron - Vacuum Chamber Materials

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome. We were planning to have an approximate diameter of 100-120mm with the circular plate around it approximately 50-70mm in height. (Apologies if this is hard to visualise, description is not my sort of thing) (Also, this is simply the vacuum chamber where the Dees will...
  6. Auxirius

    Cyclotron - Vacuum Chamber Materials

    Hi all! So recently me and a group of friends have begun working towards the construction of a cyclotron - and I was wondering, if anybody here would have an idea what kind of materials would be able to be used for the vacuum chamber that aren't specific Aluminium Alloys such as 7075 or 6061...